Jan 28, 2011 20:39

Tosh had been picking over the EMH's programming for a while - 'a while', in this case, being the indefinable period after something proved itself fascinating enough to mess with her perception of time. Like Rimmer, the EMH used a physical object to project a physical form; unlike Rimmer, he could use it to interact with his environment and from what she could establish, it seemed to be an upgrade from a complex system of remote projectors. It was awe-inspiring technology, and she felt absolutely no qualms about making copies of the design and underlying program to have a closer look at later.

After establishing that the hardware - such as it was - wasn't the issue, she moved onto the programming and discovered the problem as soon as she tried to run a diagnostic. Teasing out a knot of system malfunctions, it seemed he'd been trying to do precisely that when they'd arrived at port and the transfer from one plane of reality to a subtly different one had (as one might anticipate) caused his programming to destabilise.

From there it was a simple (?) matter of working out what had gone wrong, putting it right, carefully negotiating what remained of the aborted diagnostic and - for lack of a better term - rebooting.
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