lets count now a beatiful processions of words slipping past tongues and out of pink lips we can match these rythmns of sylabels lets speak a reality of solid sounds i have filled on gray cold days and whiteout words lets leave it in the books lets speak in nothing but numbers
Won't you please step on my t o e s. i would r a the er s c r e a m. its one f o o t s imprints unto the earth you c ant take this back voca l chords strike s o undless to these a c tions.
home is kinda sucking cause no ones really here and people who are here have theyre home lives which are not accessible for vaction chilling. i saw katys play she was marvvvoulous. i saw jennn<33
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its nights like this i breath too quick gasping for something that i will never take in. a few more words sticking to my tongue stucked down my throat watch me choke. silent i need to get back out of the dark back to endless days skyscapping nights and someplace where my breath comes easy. ------------------------------