Starting with a Douglas Adams quote gets you immediate cool points ^.^
Mom does this thing where she makes feel so guilty that she can force me to do anything. This is a secret art most mothers learn ^_~
Mrs. Wingfield, the old bat, insisted that it was something “a boy of his intellect needed”, which meant that she thought he was dumber than a bag of rocks. He hated Mrs. Wingfield and the fact that she made him feel like he was an idiot. Ugh, teachers like this were the bane of my existence during school. I think what made it worse was that I was highly aware of my own intellect and earnestly believed myself to be smarter than the kinds of teachers who talked down to me like I was a naughty five-year-old.
the Old Miller Place (supposedly haunted but Finn can smell bull from a mile off so he didn’t mind cutting through). So quite a change from your last bigbang, huh babe ;)
Conclusion one: High school never really ends, which is a depressing and mildly frightening thought. Mildly? Talk, Oh dear God, the horror! :P
Anger, anger, anger had been percolating inside of him and it had unfortunately ruptured. I have been there and that feeling is like a drug, when you're riding high on a crest of anger and can see the recoil in people's eyes, see how unnerved they are, and you just want to reach out and let the heat inside you burn people so they know how much pain they've caused you, whether they meant to or not... Then you can't maintain it, and it drains off and you're left with this dreadful self-consciousness of how bitter and terrible you've been. Getting to that point is never a good thing, so I can only hope that in helping Mr. Schue; Finn will find a way to calm himself too.
I remember you distinctly singing a very different tune when he let you guys do Lady Gaga a couple months ago. This, for the love of Buddha, this! I hated them trying to make Will out as being "out of touch" when the show features such a wide array of music and them trying to say "he never listens to us" when they regularly have episodes where he lets them choose
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I'm with dark_dreymer on the quotes. Love love love. Its so wonderful that it helps set the tone for the upcoming scenes.
Sometimes, Finn really hated that his mom had a superpower over knowing just what to say to make him feel bad into doing whatever she wanted him to do. But he also admitted that he was a Mama’s boy at heart, that’s why he liked Burt he worried about her with possibility of college looming distinctly over the horizon. Burt would take good care of his Mom. ~Love this view of Finn. All mom's have that superpower and its nice to see it be showcased. And him being a mama' boy, just adds to the charm that is Finn :)
He sounded so lost, realized Finn. It was odd to hear cheerful, confident Mister Schuester sound like that: sad and lost ~EVERYONE has these moments. I can totally relate and love seeing the emotionally down side of Will...does that make me twisted? lol. Whatever, it just makes the characters that much more real and I feel this is a very awesome canon move here
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“You know Mister Schue? You’re too nice for your own good sometimes.”
The teacher just smiled at him sadly, “You’re probably right Finn.” ~Nods head in Agreement. I see sparks! Granted they are tiny..miniscule sparks...but they are getting there :)
“I will also require a snake.” ~Zomg, Brit...dear Brit...she is so fabulous and I love this line :)
The song that night was still plaintive and sad, but there was a note of hope in it.
Baby steps were better than no steps. ~Yay! Little happy dance in my chair over this part...le sigh.
I loved the way you wrote this story! Alternating between first person and third person works really well (and also because you executed this brilliantly!) :) Everyone is very IC and I love the touch of humor you put in it. :) Mr. Schue reading the seventh volume of Harry Potter got me giggling in no time! :) And Finn just taking it all in stride -"That was an awesome book" was an icing on the cake. Oh man, starting off your fic with a Douglas Adams quote already got my thumbs for you. ;D I'm loving the interaction between Schue and Finn. I can't wait to see their relationship develop in the next few chapters.
Comments 5
Mom does this thing where she makes feel so guilty that she can force me to do anything. This is a secret art most mothers learn ^_~
Mrs. Wingfield, the old bat, insisted that it was something “a boy of his intellect needed”, which meant that she thought he was dumber than a bag of rocks. He hated Mrs. Wingfield and the fact that she made him feel like he was an idiot. Ugh, teachers like this were the bane of my existence during school. I think what made it worse was that I was highly aware of my own intellect and earnestly believed myself to be smarter than the kinds of teachers who talked down to me like I was a naughty five-year-old.
the Old Miller Place (supposedly haunted but Finn can smell bull from a mile off so he didn’t mind cutting through). So quite a change from your last bigbang, huh babe ;)
Conclusion one: High school never really ends, which is a depressing and mildly frightening thought. Mildly? Talk, Oh dear God, the horror! :P
Conclusion two ( ... )
I remember you distinctly singing a very different tune when he let you guys do Lady Gaga a couple months ago. This, for the love of Buddha, this! I hated them trying to make Will out as being "out of touch" when the show features such a wide array of music and them trying to say "he never listens to us" when they regularly have episodes where he lets them choose ( ... )
Sometimes, Finn really hated that his mom had a superpower over knowing just what to say to make him feel bad into doing whatever she wanted him to do. But he also admitted that he was a Mama’s boy at heart, that’s why he liked Burt he worried about her with possibility of college looming distinctly over the horizon. Burt would take good care of his Mom. ~Love this view of Finn. All mom's have that superpower and its nice to see it be showcased. And him being a mama' boy, just adds to the charm that is Finn :)
He sounded so lost, realized Finn. It was odd to hear cheerful, confident Mister Schuester sound like that: sad and lost ~EVERYONE has these moments. I can totally relate and love seeing the emotionally down side of Will...does that make me twisted? lol. Whatever, it just makes the characters that much more real and I feel this is a very awesome canon move here ( ... )
The teacher just smiled at him sadly, “You’re probably right Finn.” ~Nods head in Agreement. I see sparks! Granted they are tiny..miniscule sparks...but they are getting there :)
“I will also require a snake.” ~Zomg, Brit...dear Brit...she is so fabulous and I love this line :)
The song that night was still plaintive and sad, but there was a note of hope in it.
Baby steps were better than no steps. ~Yay! Little happy dance in my chair over this part...le sigh.
Oh man, starting off your fic with a Douglas Adams quote already got my thumbs for you. ;D I'm loving the interaction between Schue and Finn. I can't wait to see their relationship develop in the next few chapters.
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