so like everthing has been hectic since monday i feel like iv hit bottem low. nothings working out and everything is a peaice of shit. fhlkjshgsgsldfg. tuesday_helloogoodbye with people it was fun ugh wensday did nothing all day. and thursday went downport with kristin and took pictures.
happy birthday frank ♥♥♥ since i wont be awake at midnight or atleast on the computer to wish him a happy birthday i figured id do it in here.k peace out <3
everything i do is wrong.i act on things then regret i can be verry immature im a terrible person some times.i should have never gotten involved with you.i wish you would have kept your promises.
i like the fact me and billy are talking again like its soo good cos like hes such an amazing person and friend and stuff and its madd gay when we dont talk
well today was alright.tomrow i have school then interveiw and first day off work at collisasos pizza then mall & stuff.