App for theoregontrail

Oct 27, 2011 23:51

AGE: 28
PERSONAL LJ: fairandbright
EMAIL ADDRESS: queenlothiriel [@] gmail [dot] com

NAME: Luna Lovegood
AGE: 15
FANDOM/MEDIUM: Harry Potter Series/Book
CANON PULL-POINT: The end of the sixth book, after the end of term.
ABILITIES: Luna is a witch and therefore can use magic with her wand. She can summon a Patronus in the shape of a rabbit, can cast offensive and defensive spells, do charms, and make potions, among other things. She is skilled at dueling, able to hold her own against older witches and wizards in battle.

Luna is first described as having an air of distinct dottiness, and that about sums her up perfectly. She's a quirky girl who seems to live with her head in the clouds, but can surprise others with her clear perceptiveness. She really beats to the march of her own drummer, acting as she does because that's how she's comfortable and she's not out to impress anyone.

Despite how odd she seems to others, she's very smart, being put into Ravenclaw. She provides answers again and again, like coming up with a solution for how Dumbledore's Army can get from Hogwarts to London on thestrals, or answering the riddle put to her by Ravenclaw Tower's door knocker. She's well aware that others see her as strange, call her Loony, and steal her shoes, but she never retaliates against her peers.

Making friends had always been tough for her due to her odd quirks in behavior, which included being honest enough to lack tact or believing in creatures that surely didn't exist. However, when she joined Dumbledore's Army and became friends with Harry and his fellow Gryffindors, her behavior eventually became endearing to them. Even Ron, who was initially irritated by her personality, came around to liking her, thinking her funny. She was extremely loyal to this group, and even in her honest words, managed to be comforting to those who needed it, like Harry after he lost Sirius or Hermione when she was crying over Ron.

She showed bravery and believed in doing what was right by fighting in several battles. In her fourth year she fought off Death Eaters in the Department of Mysteries, in her fifth she fought the same in the battle at Hogwarts where Dumbledore was killed, and in her sixth she returned to the school even after facing months of imprisonment at Malfor Manor to fight the Death Eaters in the final battle of the war. For all her dottiness, she could concentrate and perform well in battle.

Overall, Luna is a dreamer, believing in fantastical beasts and seeing the world in a different way. She knew this tended to drive others away, or caused them to make fun of her, but she never sacrificed who she was to please others, always staying true to herself. She's loyal to her friends, and would do anything to help them without expecting anything in return.

WORLD: Luna comes from the UK in 1996, but her world is hidden from the everyday people who have no magical abilities, called Muggles. The Wizarding World in the UK has its own system of government, school, bank and currency, modes of transport, style of dress, food, etc. As everything can be done with magic, many things from the Muggle world don't exist in the Wizarding World, such as airplanes.

Every wizard and witch possesses a wand with which to concentrate their magic, and often say a magical word or phrase as they cast a spell, though there are also non-verbal spells. When a witch or wizard is born to non-magical parents, they are known as "Muggle-born." One with one magical parent and one non-magical one are "Half-blood." And a child whose parents are both magical, as well as all their ancestors is known as a "Pure-blood."

During Luna's time, the Wizarding World is at war, as Death Eaters, the followers of Lord Voldemort, seek to subjugate everyone in the magical world so Voldemort can hold dominion over them. The Dark Lord greatly values racial purity, and despises Muggle-borns and Half-Bloods, even though he himself is a Half-Blood.

OCCUPATION: trapper (which is just an excuse for her to go off looking for nargles and such)


The young witch was wearing an expression that to any normal person would be a warning to keep away, but to any person who was far too inquisitive for their own good only said Come closer. You need to see this. She was walking back to the camp with an strange sort of trap under one arm and her wand in her other hand. Luna Lovegood was an odd sort of girl. She knew everyone thought it, but she liked who she was and saw no reason to change. It was sad how she had few friends, but she would rather have none at all than pretend to be someone she wasn't in order to attract friends in the first place.

Giving a lopsided grin, she set down the trap. Inside a small frog croaked.

"I did it! I've caught a Moon Frog!" she exclaimed triumphantly. They others gathered around the campfire looked from the frog to her, then back at the frog, then to her yet again.

"A what?" one asked in confusion.

"A Moon Frog," Luna explained, shifting forwards and back on her toes and heels. "They're from the moon, obviously."

"Just looks like a regular frog to me," another answered. "What makes it a Moon Frog?"

"Moon Frogs," she began, speaking in a voice that said she was quite knowledgable on these sorts of things, "Live on the Moon, but some witches and wizards that fly to the moon bring sacks of them back. On the moon they glow, but on Earth they look like ordinary frogs until they sit under moonlight."

Her companions looked up at the sky, frowning. "But it's cloudy," one argued. "There's no moon visible."

"I saw it for a second," Luna assured, but at that explanation, the rest just rolled their eyes and went back to their business. Luna shrugged. They didn't have to believe her. Few ever did, but she was confident that she was right. The thing was, she didn't have much use for a Moon Frog, and he would just be one more thing to carry, so she picked up the trap and walked a little ways away, setting it free.

"I hope you can get home to the moon someday, little frog," she whispered to it as it hopped away.



[The voice that begins speaking is soft and high pitched, sounding halfway between bored and distracted.]

What a lovely day. These are the sort of days that it's easiest to find a crumple-horned snorkack. Unfortunately they are native to Sweden so I can't search for any here.

[There's a long pause and one might thing she's done and has turned off the device, but then she finally speaks again.]

I wonder what sorts of magical creatures live here in America. Maybe there are dadderblimps, though we'd have to pass a body of water to find them. Or maybe there are creatures here I've not heard of before. I'll keep a lookout, and let the rest of you know if I find anything.

!app, comm: theoregontrail
