OK, at the last minute I decided to stick this behind a cut. It's a total downer of a post, just to warn you.
Boy, I’m really bad at this LJ stuff. I don’t even remember the last time I posted. Well, truth be told, we were on vacation (which was very nice) and then work turned into a total poop-storm. I have been crazy-stressed-busy every day. So, posting/reading LJ has not been a possibility during the day and then when I get home there’s all the house/horse stuff to do. Too busy!! Anyways, my life currently:
I really, really hate my job. Overworked, underpaid, under funded, and under appreciated does NOT make for a happy hora_somni. I have just about had it. So, I put in an application for what appears to be a way better job doing what I would rather be doing (Network Engineer stuff). So that was a little liberating. It was nice to feel like I actually have some control in my career-life. We’ll see though, I am being pretty pessimistic about my chances. There are a ton more qualified people with more experience out there looking for a job right now. In a weird way it was liberating and depressing all at the same time. Blech.
I hate house hunting. I really, really hate house hunting. It’s a downward spiral of hopeful - dashed - hopeful - dashed… I just want it to be over. It is very depressing. We’re going to go drive by a few places tonight that I’m a little hopeful about, but with the trend being what it is they will probably all suck.
I have been getting quite a bit done on our house to get it ready to sell. While not fun, at least there is some sense of accomplishment there. Bully for me. My freshly painted porch looks great.
I’m still having armourer troubles up the wazoo. I gave my helm to one guy three months ago to put vervelles on it three months ago. I talked to him last night to say “where the hell is my helm, I still need to build a liner for it and attach the aventail before Pennsic” and his response was “So, uh, what was it you wanted me to do with this helm again? Yep, hadn’t even started. Great. I sent a huge chunk of coin to another armourer for a breastplate that supposedly was going to be finished months ago. Supposedly he finished it last week and was going to put it in the mail pending payment. I’m still a little suspicious. I also haven’t heard from the guy making my gauntlets in a coon’s age. I think he just ran off with my dough. Just like the lady who was supposedly going to make me barding. Evil whore. I hope she’s face down in a ditch somewhere. So yeah, armour is petty depressing right now.
There is this jousting clinic at Pennsic that I am totally stoked about. Stoked to the point of worrying myself sick. See above discussion about armourers. Also, I am having a bitch of a time making lance bases. I have no idea if I will be able to get them done. I still have to get a shield or two strapped up as well. Also, my horse trainer has been busy as hell all summer and hasn’t had a chance to work with The Mook at all. He’s still really heavy in the head and I’m just not a good enough trainer (it would seem) to get him to lighten up. I have also been trying to plan a time when at least four or five of us can ride and start conditioning the horses again to making passes, having a lance around their head, and being ridden in armour and all that stuff. Now it looks like me may only be taking 2 horses instead of 4 as well. Again with the totally depressing. Honestly, I’m starting to think that all the issues about this clinic are really just harbingers of a bigger problem; It seems that everybody else who wanted to get into jousting and having a tournament company has either lost interest or have decided it’s too much work. Since I can’t joust by myself, I might be SOL on this one. It’s really a very sad thought. It’s something I have been dreaming about and working towards for a long time not; heck, it’s the only reason I got into horses in the first place! Don’t get me wrong, I love our horses and do enjoy being a horse guy, but that really was the whole point. It’s making me very, very sad. And depressed.
So yeah, that’s me in a nutshell right now. Pretty damn depressed, sad, and feeling let down. Thank you for attending my pity party.