Title: Ianto’s First Day Author:bandgeek01 Genre: Fluffy Drabble Rating: PG boy flirting Summary: It’s Ianto’s first day at work. Spoilers: Info from Fragments random bits from S1 Word Count: 506 Author’s Notes: Unbeta’d, new to writing fan fiction.. Disclaimer: Russell T. Davies is the almighty one who created the characters. The BBC owns them. I am merely playing with them for my own procrastination purposes. I intend to return them in near perfect condition. I am by no means making any money off of this.
Title: Rooftop Viewing Pleasure Author: totally4ryo Word Count: 896 Rating: G Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto Spoilers: Up to "Exit Wounds", DW: "Stolen Earth" & "Journey's End" Disclaimer: I don’t own Jack and Ianto (heavy sigh), I’m pretty sure they own each other. I do know the BBC and RTD owns all things Torchwood. Warnings: I like Gwen, so no Gwen-bashing here. No smut. Summary: Jack has hiding places for indulging in certain activities alone. Notes: I'm not giving up on this until I can't any longer. Unless stated otherwise, all the fics written for the horizonssing challenge (which this was written for) take place not long after DW "Journey's End", but during the interim before Torchwood Three gets replacements.
Comments 12
Title: Ianto’s First Day
Genre: Fluffy Drabble
Rating: PG boy flirting
Summary: It’s Ianto’s first day at work.
Spoilers: Info from Fragments random bits from S1
Word Count: 506
Author’s Notes: Unbeta’d, new to writing fan fiction..
Disclaimer: Russell T. Davies is the almighty one who created the characters. The BBC owns them. I am merely playing with them for my own procrastination purposes. I intend to return them in near perfect condition. I am by no means making any money off of this.
Author: totally4ryo
Word Count: 896
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto
Spoilers: Up to "Exit Wounds", DW: "Stolen Earth" & "Journey's End"
Disclaimer: I don’t own Jack and Ianto (heavy sigh), I’m pretty sure they own each other. I do know the BBC and RTD owns all things Torchwood.
Warnings: I like Gwen, so no Gwen-bashing here. No smut.
Summary: Jack has hiding places for indulging in certain activities alone.
Notes: I'm not giving up on this until I can't any longer. Unless stated otherwise, all the fics written for the horizonssing challenge (which this was written for) take place not long after DW "Journey's End", but during the interim before Torchwood Three gets replacements.
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