Ganky Ganky Gank Gank from Chrissy

Feb 01, 2005 15:44

*************ME, MYSELF and I***************

1. What is your full name : Geoffrey Brown
2. Nicknames : Oi you fat bastard!
3. Birthday : The day after "steal a country" day, ie 5th July
4. Age : 40....but I look SOOOOOOO much younger
5. Sex : If possible..otherwise I just get frustrated
6. Where do you live : In a house..ok..In Europe
7. What year did you complete to at school : I was in the Upper 6th, which would be like College
8. Siblings? : Brother (he's a dibble..>Boo Hiss)
9. Pets? : Had a budgie but it died..(NO comments from YOU KNOW WHO)
10. Zodiac Sign : ok, its cancer....but I seriously consider this to be bollocks!
11. Righty or Lefty : lefty or righty WHAT? WHich side I dress, my politics?, my desire to be shaved?

*********MY LOOKS*********

12. Hair color : Mousey
13. Eye color : Blue
14. Height : 5'9
15. Do u wear contacts or glasses : Glasses are for keeping beer in and I would rathe rstick a compass in my eye than wear contact lenses
16. Do you have any piercing : No..My body is a temple..Pristine and untouched
17. Do you wear any rings : Only the one that everyone has
18. Do you have a certain fashion you follow : Yes  I am truly a fashion icon, people follow my every move
19. Do you have braces : Yes, but I only wear them if I wear a dress suit

**********JUST LATELY***************

20. How are you today : Im BRILLIANT thanks you for asking..How are you?

*********MY FAVOURITES************

21. Colour : Red..cos red ones go faster..I like purple too...If you can't find a purple one, take a red one and squeeze it really hard
22. Food : Langoustine
23. Fast Food : yes..Langoustine cooked in a HOT pan!. Fast food my left realise how much crap they put in that stuff?
24. Candy : Is a very nice girl
25. Beverage : Diet coke, but only if some anarchist managed to burn down every brewery in the world
26. Ice Cream Flavour : Ice cream only comes in chocolate, strawberry or Vanilla....oh, or neopolitan, which is chocolate strawberry AND vanilla...I like Vanilla.
27. Sport : Don;t call me sport..Call me Bruce instead
28. Animal : I have been called an animal in the past....You wish to comment!
29. Number : I am not a number..I am a free man!
30. Radio Station : I never listen to the radio...I prefer listening to my old 78's on the gramophone
31. Band or Singer: ok, Fairport Convention since you ask
32. Actor: Hmm Richard Drayfuss in the Goodbye Girl :)
33. Actress : Jenny Agutter in Walkabout.Ok its pervy  so?
34. Day of the Year : Pick one from 365.
35. Month : I hate them..Oh  I thought you said Moths :P
36. Store : I like small independant retailers who don;t flood the market and lead the population to believe that if they wait 3 weeks they will get the same product 50% cheaper in the sale
37. Teacher: Miss Davies...yes I would :P

**************HAVE YOU EVER****************

38. Broken the Law : nope
39. Tried to kill yourself : get real...Im adorable..Who would I hate myself enough to want to do that?
40. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble : No, well, unless crying at lassie stopped me getting in trouble

************MORE ABOUT ME***************

41. What are your last four digits of your phone number : The last 3 are 999, try it  It works
42. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be : Err I'm sorry..Did you just ask me If I were a crayon? Are you on drugs?
43. Have you ever almost died: No..Im a devine being..I cannot die
44. Do you like the person that sent you this: Yes, she is fun, and she likes us rocks!
45. How do you eat an Oreo : I have eaten lots of things...some of which were dead
46. What's the next CD you're going to buy: I buy lots of cd's...nothing after 1982 however.
47. What's the best advice you ever received:Don;t run into cars, they will win
48. Have you ever won any special award: I won a medal at the Mind Sports Olympiad....and got to touch up a member of the gentry
49. Worst sickness you ever had: Never had one...guess it would be a hangover. Never been in Hospital
50. What's the stupidest thing you have ever done: Well,does supergluing a blow up doll to someones penis count as stupid?
51. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: wow Good question. Probably me being a smart arse
52. Where do you shop the most: Essen
53. How many kids do you have: Good GRIEF what a damn stupid question
56. Do you do drugs: Is beer a drug? Ok  Beer.
57. Shampoo : GREAT movie
58. Closest family member : Mum  She's about 5 feet away
59. What are you most scared of : Hate Moths...other than that im never scared. Im too stupid to be scared
60. How many TV's do you have in your house : 4
61. Do you have your own TV : Yes...Its never on however
62. Do you have your own phone line : yes...err where is this leading..Your a hone company salesman aint you!
63. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal : Ok I know there have been some girls who are less than agile when it comes to sex, but I would never go as far as calling them an animal.
l64. Have you ever broken/sprained/fractured a bone : No..Us Gods cannot be harmed by mortal means
65. What are you dreaming about : Im not dreaming, unless of course Life is a dream, My My  Very deep and its only tuesday
66. Who do you tell your dreams to : I type them up and tell them to the world via the internet...duh!
67. Who's the loudest friend you have : Loud as in..Om MY GOD? or loud as in "thats a bright shirt"
68. Who's the quietest friend you have : I think its my invisible deaf and dumb friend Cecil
69. Is cheerleading a sport : No, but spotting the one who forgot her knickers is
70. How many licks does it take to get to the centre of a tootsie pop : You want me to lick Dustin Hoffmans Father? Sicko
71. Which came first: the chicken or the egg : The one lying back on the bed with a smile on it's face
*************YOU ON LOVE***************

72. Are you married or not : No, shock horror
73. How long have you been together : I don;t come apart.,.Silly question
74. Did you send this to your hubby : No  My hubby is currently in prison and gay marriages never last
75. Where would you like to go on your honeymoon :  A pitful of Lesbians covered in Chocolate
76. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex : Bums, Boobs, eyes, legs, boobs, bums,err did I mention boobs
77. Do you find yourself attractive?: Yes, in the same way that road crashes are attractive
78. Do you find yourself ugly : Im a cthulhu monster
79. Does anyone find you attractive?: WHo knows......

90. Lights on or off : On....
91. Sun or rain : Rain..Its where I live
92. McDonald's or Burger King : I'd rather open a vein in my penis than have either
93. Scary movie or comedy : Scary, but only cos they are funny
94. Jazz, pop, blues, rock : Don't call me rock in public
95. On the phone or in person : Depends...If Im having sex obviously on the phone..Mind you, I keep getting it stuck!
96. Paper or plastic : Paper or plactic WHAT..You try making a plane out of plastic sunshine and see how far you get
97. Sausage or pepperoni : Pepperoni IS a sausge you imbicile
98. Summer or Winter: Snowballs fights..In summer...can it be done?
99. Hugs or kisses : Imbicile....
100. Chocolate Milk, coffee milk or plain milk : Beer....
101. Coca Cola or Pepsi : Coca Cola..Pepsi tastes like it has been drained through a pair of my grannies old knickers
102. Is the glass half full or half empty: This is a simple was of asking if I'm an optimist..Next you will be showing me inkblots and asking me about my sexuality!
103. Video or DVD: I have never DVD's anyone  Is it fun and kinky?
104. Cat or dog: I only sleep with humans..pervert
105. Vanilla or Chocolate: Vanilla..Ice cream again..You seem a bit ice cream obsessed
106. Dancing or Singing : My voice sounds like a cat being castrated by a combine harvester...dancing of course
107. Diamond or pearl: Never heard of Neil Pearl..Is he good?
108. Sunset or sunrise: You assume I answered Sun to the Rain/sun question
**************ON A FINAL NOTE*********

114. What pants are you wearing right now:Pants as in trousers or pants as in underwear
115. What shirt are you wearing right now: A shirt that says "nancy Reagan, Free , Single, and back on the Shag Market
116. What does your hair look like at the moment: It looks like hair
117. What song are you listening to right now: Im not..If I was i wouldnt tell you..You're too nosey!
118. How is the weather right now: This is Manchester..Get serious
119. Last person you talked to on the phone: Christine Jones..and don't ask why
120. Last person you talked to on yahoo : Shags
121. Last thought before sleep : THATS a nice experimental anal probe....(ok THATS a lie, just always wanted to use the sentence)
122. What is your dream for the future : World peace, travel, be kind to old people and win the Miss World competion
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