Feb 12, 2010 02:08
- 10:10:35: @ electricvixen Poor thing.
- 10:18:34: @ CoEdClaire Morning, sweetheart.
- 11:14:06: @ CoEdClaire How are you this morning?
- 11:17:38: @ Sylar_the_Hero What?
- 11:17:56: @ CoEdClaire Very good. Your mother made waffles.
- 11:18:19: @ Sylar_the_Hero May I help you?
- 11:22:48: @ Sylar_the_Hero What do you want?
- 11:23:33: @ CoEdClaire I'm not sure, but they smell wonderful. Joining us?
- 11:23:59: @ CoEdClaire Short Circuit 2?
- 11:32:04: @ CoEdClaire The first one isn't around?
- 11:36:48: @ CoEdClaire Uh huh. Well, I suppose that's all right. How is Johnny 5 now?
- 11:39:17: @ CoEdClaire Well, that's interesting... It's been a while since I've watched those movies.
- 11:41:18: @ CoEdClaire Oh no!
- 11:48:19: @ trackingsystem Your daddy's not going anywhere. And if a monster tried to eat Uncle Claude I would shoot it.
- 11:53:39: @ trackingsystem I promise.
- 11:54:03: @ trackingsystem Mrs. Bennet made waffles, and there's plenty. Would you like to come over for some?
- 11:58:10: @ trackingsystem I'll come pick you up, if it's all right with your father.
- 12:02:58: @ trackingsystem Good girl.
- 12:05:29: @ trackingsystem *hugs her back*
- 12:08:28: @ changehistory We'll take care of her.
- 12:09:19: @ trackingsystem So I see.
- 12:14:24: @ trackingsystem That is a wonderful idea.
- 12:15:02: @ changehistory Yes, sir.
- 12:15:12: @ CoEdClaire No disassemble!
- 12:17:35: @ CoEdClaire Poor Johnny 5.
- 12:18:44: @ trackingsystem I'll be there to get you soon, Molly.
- 12:18:58: @ CoEdClaire I'm sure he'll be okay.
- 12:36:37: @ changehistory If you say so, sir.
- 12:46:05: @ trackingsystem Tents, mosquito netting, and a machete.
- 12:47:29: @ CoEdClaire We may make a jungle expedition later.
- 12:49:11: @ trackingsystem Sometimes.
- 12:49:24: @ CoEdClaire I'll include you in any plans.
- 12:55:42: @ CoEdClaire @trackingsystem I'll need a hat.
- 13:03:37: @ electricvixen What's up, Elle?
- 13:05:35: @ electricvixen Have you talked to your father?
- 13:07:13: @ electricvixen @changehistory I think I should let you two discuss this before I get involved.
- 13:09:42: @ changehistory @electricvixen If there's any way I can help, just let me know.
- 13:13:02: @ CoEdClaire ((Well, thank God...))
- 13:17:13: @ trackingsystem Well, Mrs. Bennet might complain, but...
- 13:21:55: @ trackingsystem Oh, well, that's all right, then.
- 13:24:05: @ trackingsystem I'm sure he would.
- 13:24:29: @ changehistory ((LOL, Bennet's actually more friendly in the Mob verse. It's crazy.))
- 13:26:29: @ changehistory ((Awwwwww. At least he has a loyal yes-man henchman in Bennet?))
- 18:00:01: @ CoEdClaire Claire, in my household, "nom" is not a verb.
- 18:05:43: @ CoEdClaire Hm.
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