Jul 20, 2008 19:19
Title: Laundry
Author: bakatulip
Words: 100
Fandom: Dr. Horrible
Spoilers! Act III
Horrible doesn’t do laundry anymore. Much to the dismay of his roommate, Moist. The ELE doesn’t seem to mind, though. The red labcoats of stink actually mask the smell of their leader. He doesn’t have much laundry to do, Horrible threw everything else out after…
He shed the skin called Billy that day.
There’s a hoodie and a pair of jeans crumpled in a ball in the back of the closet. Sometimes when Dr. Horrible is asleep, Billy is awake working on something in the lab. He’s never up for very long.
The bottom crust of the pie crumbles easily.
length: drabble (100 words),
author: bakatulip,
genre: angst,
chara: dr. horrible