It's totally my ''fuck buddie'', Charlottes birthday.
So, let me just take this opportunity to say... Charlotte....
I hope you have the best birthday in everness, and everything. LALALA.
[Ryan says happy birthday too, and he's apperently making you a card.]
I had school today. Yeah it was pretty sweet....aka...not at all.
I had everyone hassle me about Ryan in drama, and they were all singing 'Lisa and Ryan sitting in a tree'. It was at that point I want into the hall screaming, and had Becca chase me and tackle me, etc.
It just got cloudy and Im KINDA pissed.
Summer is comming SOOO soon! Who's excited, because I am.
I love summer.
So, thats about ALL I have to say.
My favorite person of today is: Charlotte, because it's her 16th birthday:)
and...... Adam, becuase his face hurts
Love to you all