Casket toss game It's in German but the rules are simple. Press the right arrow key as fast as possible to build up speed. Hit space bar to slam on the brakes before you hit the wall and launch the casket as far as possible.
I just happen to be reading the book now, so that might have influenced my choices. Anyboo, here's a pretty good quiz: (ganked from inlaterdays) ( What book are you? )
MMMMmmmmmm... There's a pot of garden fresh tomatoes, zucchini, squash, onion and garlic with some Italian seasonings stewing on the stove. Smells heavenly.
You know it's a good cut and color when you are outside the salon with the hairdresser checking it out in the sunlight and a person driving by stops her car and hollers out the window, "That looks AWESOME!!"