he's HUGE! those jumps barely make him STEP over them!! on the leg back thing, i've a similar problem... i am told to bend my knee, bend at the waist and BREATHE... from what i see yoru stirrups ARE the right length, though if you chose to bump them down a hole it wouldn't hurt... then again... it's hard for me to tell from these photos... but yeah... you need to bend at he waist!!!!! haha... a lot of them you sort of perched up ther awkwardly because you're not bending
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It's ok, no I do tend to do a lot of flat, like at the camp that these photos came from we only had one jumping lesson the entire week. I understand your rant though, a lot of people do rush though and then they stink at the flat and it's not safe when they jump. I'm still do work on the flat and fix what i need to, I'm going to try and get pictures on Monday though to get updated ones, do you know how to get videos on livejournal?
the camp i do we do two lessons a day with jumping in the morning except for dessage day" which is usually a wednesday... and we tend do do hacks from hell... like the feild day one where we hacked without stirrups on the hills and such... oh that was torture! i thrive on torture! MUAHAHA.
how long have you been riding? you at least look safe when you jump, and you do have the basics down from what i can see... now it's just a matter of smoothing everything out... it looks like you're not sure what he's gonna do [does he refuse a lot?] so you take a defensive seat and when he goes you're not always with him because you didn't trust him to go... if that makes any sense... oh and it looks like you might carry your hands high... but i only see that really in one picture so i can't tell...
on the video note: i've no idea. i think if you can find a website to upload videos too you could find like an HTML code to put it on here...
The camp I ride at is a week long and you ride three times a day, have one jumping lesson, one bareback lesson, and one gamesday. Also we do a couple trails, bareback and/or with a saddle. I've been riding for about 5 years or so. With Bullwinkle somethimes he does refuse so yea I guess your right I wasn't sure if he would jump it or not.
I see that his knees aren't even when he jumps, hence the one foot hitting the ground before the other. It could easily be the Hunter-Hack complex- These are little fences, and these horses are so big, that they can just step over them when they want. I know that that can throw off your balance, and his bones can be jolted a bit more.
Comments 8
dessage day" which is usually a wednesday... and we tend do do hacks from hell... like the feild day one where we hacked without stirrups on the hills and such... oh that was torture! i thrive on torture! MUAHAHA.
how long have you been riding? you at least look safe when you jump, and you do have the basics down from what i can see... now it's just a matter of smoothing everything out... it looks like you're not sure what he's gonna do [does he refuse a lot?] so you take a defensive seat and when he goes you're not always with him because you didn't trust him to go... if that makes any sense... oh and it looks like you might carry your hands high... but i only see that really in one picture so i can't tell...
on the video note: i've no idea. i think if you can find a website to upload videos too you could find like an HTML code to put it on here...
I know that that can throw off your balance, and his bones can be jolted a bit more.
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