MSC Mock Elections

Mar 07, 2005 21:23

MSC '05! Karen, Christy and I put together a list of possible Mock Election Categories... I'll create the ballots, but first I want to check and make sure everything okay with y'all... so please comment if you care.

1. Best Vocabulary (Real or Made-Up)
2. Best Should-be Couple
3. Best Comedic Timing
4. Best Music Collection
5. Best Dressed
6. Least Productive
7. #1 LJ Stalker
8. Most Free Time
9. Best Job
10. Most Spoiled
11. Whiniest
12. Best Party House
13. Most Unused Brain
14. Instant Millionaire (most likely to make the most money the quickest)
15. Best Lunches
16. Worst Language (AKA Biggest Pottymouth but cooler sounding)
17. Most Likely to Change after Grad.
18. Partners in Crime (Girls)
19. Partners in Crime (Guys)
20. Most Likely to Win a Nobel Prize
21. Biggest Spender
22. Henry's Godparents (Henry being Meloche's kid, AKA Best in Bio/Meloche's pets)
23. Most Likely to Have A Trophy Spouse
24. Future Trailer Trash
25. Most Likely to Become a Roller Coaster Designer
26. Best Deadline Extender
27. Most Likely to Write Commercial Jingles
28. Least Likely to Turn the Ballot in
29. Most Likely to BE the Trophy Spouse
30. Most Likely to Start/Join Cult (which one? does it matter?)
31. Most Likely to Star in an Infomercial
32. Most Likely to Get Their Genes into the Future the Most

We figured having multiple categories means people are more likely to win at least one. Do you want it that whoever wins, wins, or should we kind of work it so that everyone wins one?

I'll have the ballots ready for Wednesday or Thursday, so all comments have to be in by then, please!
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