(no subject)

Apr 08, 2005 15:34

Tim - Best Vocabulary (Real/Made Up)-Dara
Brad - Best Should-be Couple - Karen
Mike - Best Comedic Timing - Christy
Glenn - Best Music Collection - Beth
David - Best Dressed - Karen
Mark - Least Productive - Dara
Brad - #1 LJ Stalker - Dara
Mark - Most Free Time - Vania
Jarrod - Best Job - Beth
Jarrod - Most Spoiled - Kaitlyn
Paul - Whiniest - Dara
Glenn - Best Party House - Kaitlyn
Mark - Most Unused Brain - Amanda
Mike - Most Likely to Make the Most Money the Quickest - Dara
Tim - Best Lunches - Karen
Paul - Worst Language - Karen (French!)
Mike - Most Likely to Change after Grad. - Brittany
Beth - Partners in Crime (Girls) - Christy
David - Partners in Crime (Guys) - Tim
Sam - Most Likely to Win a Nobel Prize - Kaitlyn
Jarrod - Biggest Spender - Dara
Jarrod - Henry's Godparents - Amanda
Jarrod - Most Likely to Have A Trophy Spouse - Dara
Paul - Future Trailer Trash - Christy
Tim - Most Likely to Be a Roller Coaster Designer - Vania
Jarrod - Best Deadline Extender - Amanda
Travis - Most Likely to Write Commercial Jingles - Brittany
Mark - Least Likely to Turn the Ballot in - Dara
Frank - Most Likely to BE the Trophy Spouse - Amanda
Brad - Most Likely to Start a Cult - Dara
Frank - Most Likely to Star in an Infomercial - Beth
Frank - Most Likely to Get Their Genes into the Future the Most - Amanda
Tim - Most Likely to Hunt Dinosaurs - Vania
Travis - Most Likely to be the Stereotypical Crabby Old Person - Brittany
Brad - Best Would-Be Roommate - Beth
Brad - Most Likely to Stay in Touch - Kaitlyn

Thank God this wan't as big of a nightmare as the YB mock elections. I broke a few ties, but basically it came out okay... I dare someone to see if it fits a normal probability distribution. ;)

Going in a few hours. Taking chemistry with me.

We have a cactus in our front yard. It is the devil cactus, and I hate it. Each year I want it to die, but instead it decides to live, and slowly turns green and starts rising up. It's got these evil needles that are so thin you can't really see them, so if you go anywhere near it, it attacks. And then you can't see the needles to pull them out of whatever appendage to which they are attached. And I just avoided ending a sentence with a preposition.
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