
Nov 29, 2005 13:34

Ok. The Kati feels much much better as far as the strep goes(I want a tee shirt that says, "I <3 Penicillin" with a picture of moldy bread), but the cold sores are so, so bad. The medicine she gave me isn't helping at all. I can barely swallow water it hurts so bad. *dead* I slept all day long today. Ugh. I wonder if I can go into work ( Read more... )

strep throat

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Comments 2

weeniethesilly November 29 2005, 21:54:33 UTC
I miss you more than I would miss clothing at a naked old guy convention.

That's a whole lot.


myztri November 29 2005, 21:58:45 UTC
im going to make that shirt for you.. lol


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