the theme being: Famous People Dancing Like Dorks
1) David Tennant in a Catherine Tate's skit 'Nan's Christmas Carol'
In character, so... Respectable +15, say.
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2) Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart crashing on Conan O'Brien's Concert Show after he dared them to. XD
Jon's Mexican Waiter outfit kills me. XD
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3) Tracie Dinwiddie, Alona Tal and Misha Collins dancing with the fans (they choreographed the dance, had it done once to cap the convention, and in the encore, the stars joined along)
Haha Misha tak tahan terus blah halfway. I <3 them for being so sporting.
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4) Matt Smith and Karen Gillan beatbops the Doctor Who theme, and dances to it.
This is like, GOLD CLASS DORKAGE. I don't think I'll see anything that'd beat this in a while.