Finally done writing my report for Tegomasu's concert on July 22nd!~ Warning its really long! o__o;;;;
Pictures included :Dv
I must say I feel really really lucky to have been able to see Tegomasu, and It's all thanks to a Canadian LJ user who sold me her extra ticket~!♥ If not for her I definitely would not have been able to see them unless I was willing to purchase the overpriced tickets from the creepy scalpers that were selling around the venue. Creepy old men yelling "A Block ticket, A block ticket" every time you walk passed them. u_u;; Anyways onto the report~ I honestly don’t really remember things very accurately since I have the bad memory and i may have mixed up what happened at some parts with others…D: The whole thing felt like a dream, but I did have a spectacular time! *___*
*Please ignore my grammar and spelling mistakes...because I'm, sure there are a lot u__u *
The day of the con I got up pretty early since I was so excited~ Since the hotel I was staying at was pretty close to Johnny’s Osaka shop(which was so hard to find in the first place D:) I decided to go there first to see if they had any con goods for sale already. I think I got there around 9:50? or something. Anyways when I got there to no surprise there was already a line of girls waiting to get into the shop~ XD I joined the line and realized that almost everyone in the line had Tegomasu no Uta goods!! Wondering where they got them I asked these 2 really nice Japanese fans where they had bought them and they told me they bought them at the venue *DUHH* XD I honestly didn’t think they had already started selling the goods so early in the morning. One of the girls had asked me who was my favorite was, Tego or Massu? I said I liked Massu more then she gestured her hand into giving me her Massu uchiwa! O_O Basically she was saying here just take it since you like Massu!♥ So nice~~! *o* But I told it was ok since I was going later there always~~apparently we were going to the same show (18:00). XD So after waiting in the line pointlessly and getting into the shop and realizing they had nothing new I went off to the venue! It took about 10 minutes to get there by subway and about a 5 min walk from the station! I guess I have really bad time management skills since I got to the venue around 11, and had 5-6 hours to wait for the show. XD
Those people waiting at the bottom were in the line for goods~ the line wrapped around like half the arena O_O;;
Even though the the first show was starting at 2:00, the venue was still packed with people. Everyone was walking around with their Uchiwa’s and yellow towels about their necks. A lot of people dressed in past NEWS merch, yukata’s and Russ-k shirts, I even saw 2 girls dressed up in the yukata that tegomasu wore for their Tanabata matsuri PV! So cute!~~ So since I was there, first thing to do was buy goods! I ended only getting the group poster, both of the uchiwas, the bag and the group photo set. I wanted more but I didn’t really have much money to work with. ;o;! But I’m so so so glad i got the bag, it’s so freaking adorable. You can defiantly tell which drawings on it belonged to Tegoshi! x'D The line for goods seemed really long but I got to the front in about 20min which was good! XD After the concert the line was crazyyy long.
Close up of the bag! n__n
After I had so much time to kill so I decided to take a very slow and walk through random streets and buildings. I got pretty bored after awhile (plus it was really hot outside! ;O;) so I just sat on a rock near Osaka Castle for about 3 hours and watched people riding their bikes and stuff. XD;;;
Took another walk then around 3 I headed to meet with Catherine near the goods line to get my ticket! :Dv The ticket was a “tachimi” ticket but it was all good, because I got to see them in the end and that’s all that’s matters!! XD Basically what went on was for a tachimi ticket is that you are standing around the arena at the top. It’s hard to describe but we had a really good view of the whole arena when everyone was sitting down…but a bit harder time seeing everything when everyone was standing. Thank god I was able to see them or the screen (or both) at all times! XDD♥There was about 500 people standing around at the top in the tachimi area~ i felt really sorry for people who had to stand behind people up there. I'm sure they could barely see anything. D:
We lined up around 4-4:30 and they started letting people in at around 5. They called everyone according to the number of their ticket. They checked my ticket and let me in no problem~ thank god! But the LJ user who sold me the ticket almost didnt get in O_O; Everything worked out though~~ Finally about 20min before the start we were in and scrambled around the top looking for a good place to stand!~ Ended up around this point! (Circled in yellow) Then all that was left was to wait, and the show started exactly at 6:00pm!!! (red line around the outer part shows tachimi area)
Yellow = Main stage
Green = Center stage
blue= Furthest stage from the main
Pink = Side Stages
(The two paths connecting the main and center stage were inflatable! XD)
Quickly snapped a few pictures before the con started~
main stage:
Set list for the 18:00 show
1. Miso Soup
2. Marui Chikara
3. Bokura no uta
4. Tanabata Matsuri
5. Hanamuke
6. Ame nouchi hare
7. Power of Earth
8. Kushami
9. Sayounara boku no machi
10. Sunadokei
11. Moshi Moshi ga pochi dattara
12. Tatta hitotsu dake
13. Boku no Cinderella
14. Chicken Boy
15. Ra Ra Sakura
16. What’s going on?
17. Chocolate
18. Highway
19. Fantastipo
20. Ai Ai Gasa
21. Bokurashiku
22. Owaranaide
22. Kimi+boku=Love
23. Katomoi no chiisana koi
24. Kiss~Kaerimichi no love song~
Double encore:
25. Zutto
1. Miso Soup ミソスープ
The show began with the lights dimming and a VTR starting to play. It was basically showing Tegomasu debuting in Sweden and a few comments about Miso soup and stuff. Lots of cute. XD Then the lights directed to the main stage and Tegomasu in all their shininess appeared on the main stage singing Miso soup! *O* Seeing them in real life was totally a shock!~ Their clothes were nothing flashy, not even close to being the crazy Johnny’s costumes that the other groups sometimes wear at their concerts. From what I remember Massu was wearing blue shorts(?) and a parka style top. (So typical Massu)♥ Tegoshi was wearing a t-shirt with jeans and a vest. The vest had a sparkly skull at the back if I can remember correctly. (all I know is at one point he was defiantly wearing a vest with skull at the back, haha)Their clothes really reflected their style and fit really well with the theme!
2. Marui Chikara マルイチカラ
The next song was Marui Chikara! I totally flailed when I heard the music starting for this one! This is totally one of my all time favorite Tegomasu songs! Tegoshi’s vocals at the beginning were beautiful! The chorus was all bouncy and I think everyone’s tension went up as they were doing random little gestures and silly dancing while singing!~
3. Bokura no Uta 僕らのうた
Bokura no uta consisted ofTegomasu's gleaming faces, lots of moving around the main stage and of the audience clapping along, but that’s pretty much all I remember. Seeing Massu’s smile on the screen…it was so killer gorgeous! *o* since both Tegoshi and Massu were on seperate sides it was hard to decide who to stare at…XD;
Short introduction
They takes a break and thank the audience for coming to their concert and with that they introduce themselves…”Tegoshi desu!...Masuda desu! And together we are Tegomasu desu!!” XDDDD Everyone screamed~ Ahaha they even did the hand movements! :D
4. Tanabata Matsuri 七夕祭り
I was surprised to hear them sing this so early, I thought it would be more of an ending type of song but none the less they sang it beautifully. I really love this song, it has such a good happy feeling to it. ^o^ On the monitor the PV was playing and everyone was swaying back and forth~~
5. Hanamuke はなむけ
This song was so much love. Since I bought the single and album in Japan I didn’t have a chance to listen to the songs on them until now, and it was the first time I heard hanamuke. I have totally fallen in love with this song and they sang it so passionately! *_* Their voices mixed so well, it melted my heart~ my eyes became a little watery! XD;
6. Ame nouchi hare 雨のうち晴れ
SWINGS!! I was honestly hoping for some flying but I must say the swings fit them and the mood much better, haha. For this song Tegomasu got onto swings on the main stage and the swings raised them into the air and moved them to the main stage slowly! XD This was really adorable, especially Massu! His legs were flailing about while in the air in the cutest manner! And again his smile killed me, haha. This song really reminds me of Massu, it’s just so sweet, gentle and…Massu-like!♥♥ Sort of had a Nantokanarusa feeling~~
7. Power of Earth
A more upbeat song then the ones they sang before. Massu and Tego moved around the center stage and sang freely with a lot of strength! :Dv Everyone waved their penlights and uchiwa back and forth with the beat! ★
Mini talk
8. Kushami くしゃみ
Before they sang Kushami they had a little talk which consisted of them saying they're having fun a lot, and asked if the audience if they could see them well(?) I didn’t really get much of what they said here…xD; But at this point they asked everyone to sit down and listen to their next song. Kushami was sung with them sitting on stools in the center stage with a couple of people from the band playing guitars. They were all sitting together and there were these lights on the corners of the stage that were shining while they were singing. It really gave a soft and gentle atmosphere. They both (especially Massu) put a lot of powerful emotion into this song while singing considering their facial expressions. “oh Love love love~~♪”
9. Sayonara boku no machi サヨナラ僕の街
For this they were still on the center stage like in Kushami and were illuminated by all the lights. Really pretty!~~ Vocals were really clear! *O* The band did a really good job with the music for this song…it sounded amazing!
Mini talk
10. Sunadokei 砂時計
They talked for a bit about the songs that they had just sung and how they have an old song to sing! *couldn’t understand the rest* After they began to sing Sunadokei, which was a b-side on their Miso soup single. As all the other songs they sang this one really nicely~~ For this song they moved away from the center stage on those carts that the staff push, and ended up on the side stages. I was watching Tego most of the time because I couldn’t really see Massu since he was on my side and was covered by all the standing people in front of me. Good thing I could kinda see the screen though~!
11. Moshi Moshi ga pochi dattara もしもしがポチだったら
Cute song~~ Loved it the first time I heard it on the Ai Ai Gasa single, and loved it live. Not much to say about this but it was really cute and they stayed on the side stages for this one. ^_^ Had a better view of them now since they were on the side stages rather than the main! XDD
12. Tatta hitotsu dake たったひとつだけ
Another bouncy happy song, yay! They moved from the side stages to the center using carts, then used the path to get from the center stage to the main one. The path was not an ordinary one, it was like one of those inflatable bouncy castle type things that you can bounce on…and to no surprise Massu was jumping up and down on it while making his way to the other site~~ SOOO CUTE...seemed like he was having a lot of fun! XD (Tegoshi just normally walked along it in a cool way! XD) ♥ Lots of movement and energy was put into the song and the audience was really into as well as they waved penlights and uchiwas~~ On the screen there were 2 phones while they were singing. After they got to the main stage they disappeared and the phones stayed on the screen! This part was really cute but I wasn’t able to read much of it... basically the 2 phones were messaging each other and sending messages to the audience! One was Massu’s (yellow one) and one was Tegoshi’s (pink one x’D)~~ The phones were saying random things like asking the audience to yell out, Haha~~
Tegoshi’s Keitai: Say that you love me!? Se-no…(祐也愛してる言って。。。せーの。。。)
Massu’s Keitai: Say that you love me!? Se-no…
Also I think they were talking to each other about how they are having fun and how they want to thank everyone? (I saw tanoshii and arigatou written a few times i think xD;;;)
It was along the lines something like that! XD At one point I think Tegoshi called the audience “Koneko-chan”? More screaming from the audience at that part because it was really cute! He had written it like”こ.ね.こ.ちゃん♥“.Then Massu asked the audience to yell out…”Gyoza” XD So typical Massu!!♥
Massu's Keitai: せーの。。。
Audience: ギョウザ!!
13. Boku no Cinderella 僕のシンデレラ
Clothes changed & HORSES! I flipped out when I saw this~ From the perspective of the main stage Massu came out on the right side on a yellow horse and Tegoshi came out on the left on a pink horse! XDD(im not sure if they were made out of wood or plastic...but srsly they were epic win...picture them looking like chibi carousal horses...xD) They were riding them like motorbikes, it was really amusing. I think they were attached to carts and the staff were pushing them around~~ The started from the side stages then moved towards the center! The horses really fit the feeling of the song! Haha only Tegomass would come up with something like this~~ I wonder who’s idea it was…seems kinda of like something Massu would come up with imo. ♥
14. Chicken Booya
Nice song sung on the center stage~ The effects on the screen were really pretty to watch! I think before they sang this song they had a really short MC talking about the song! I think during the talk they said that they made this song together?! n3n~♫
Ok before KoyaShige came out Tegomassu just started off the MC with small talk~ Massu talked about what everyone has been doing recently. He said that they themselves have been doing Tegomass rehearsals, Yamapi and Ryo have been doing drama shooting, Shige is just Shigeneko?! And something about koyama~ *didnt understand* Then they go onto talking about how the members had come together recently and it was a bit embarrassing to see each other after awhile. Massu mentions their meeting had the feeling of seeing people after summer vacation, sort of embarrassing?! Something like "Wha? Ryo cut/changed his hair? Shige has changed his hair?!" Then they go on to talking about Shige and Tegoshi does a little self promotion of him in dream boy. They make fun of Shige for the way he greets people when they come into the room (low tension greetings XD) and the fact that when he talks he really talks a lot and he breathes at the wrong time resulting in him messing up his words (Tegoshi calls this a cute habit of Shiges XD). Also they talk about him doing a sort of hiccuping thing in the middle of his words! XD
After that Shige filled talk they sit down and watch the VTR that KoyaShige had made for them!~ The VTR consisted of KoyaShige congratulating them on their concert tour and other random thing like how the soup part of miso soup should be pronounced "shiru" not soup! XD. After the VTR they complained on how short it was...but then to their surprise KoyaShige came out onto the main stage!! Koyama and Shige ran on the main stage and said "KOYAMA DESU! SHIGE DESU! TOGETHER WE ARE KOYASHIGE DESU!" At this point i was really in shock! My heart was beating so fast...and all i could do was scream *total KoyaShige fan*!! XDD aslfhl;sdhfshgjh
They came onto the stage wearing the pink concert shirts that Tegomasu had designed~~! Tegomasu were really surprised they had come, Tegoshi thought they wouldn't have..but they did :D
They talked a lot and i didn't catch everything but here is what i did...
☆Tegomasu were on the center stage so KoyaShige bounced across the bouncy path connecting the stages to get to over where they were~~ Koyama looked SO CUTE *O*
☆Shige was talking to Massu about how he told him that he was going to come...and he did!
☆Tegoshi talks about how he knew that KoyaShige had sent them a VTR message but he really didnt think they were actually here!
☆Shige says something about how the staff were thinking why didn't Ryo and Yamapi come?! Then Koyama goes "Eh? Are me and Shige no good?!
☆Shige comments on how tegomasu were talking about his breathing and greetings!
☆Koyama got a call from Shige the night before about coming to Osaka! Then they called their Manager to let him know that they were coming to the was really a surprise!!
☆I think Koyama made a comment about Tego's "sha sha technique" used on the drawings at the back of the con t-shirt.
☆Kei asks the audience "Are you having fun??!!!!" Audience replies with very loud screams! XD
☆Koyama and shige talk about how the t-shirts for the concert are good and cute! The say that the front is cute~ but Shige says the the back gives him a bad feeling because of tego's drawings~~
☆On the main screen it showed a couple of Tegomasu's drawings that were used for the goods.(these ones ---> +2 others
)KoyaShige were surprised that the pictures were supposed to be a birds! Koyama comments on how the legs are so long! XD I think then Tegoshi justifies the drawing by saying how he drew it from the view that your looking up at the bird while its flying form the ground...that's why it looks like that...XD;;
☆KoyaShige want a concert?!
☆Koyama and Shige commented on Massu's polka dot pants and Tegoshi's love for skulls i think!~
☆They both traveled to Osaka together on the train. While on the train they kept listening to Kushami over and over again! Shige even counted how many times they say "love" in the song...apparently they say it 36 times! xD After they start to sing the song "oh love love love love...♫"♥
☆KoyaShige also comment on the song Highway and how tegoshi pronounces the word radio the english way rather than "rajio" which is the Japanese way~ Koyama complains that he should have just said it "rajio" cause that way is better. Then Massu says "radio" in a really deep voice and claims thats how Shige would say it! XDDD
☆Koyama says that him and Shige should leave and the audience responds with a loud "EHHHHHH?!" XD
☆Massu and shige used the right side of the bouncy path to get back to the main stage and Koyama and tegoshi used the left. While crossing, KoyaTego put their arms around each others shoulders and walked together across!!
At the end of the MC koyashige had left and they introduced the next song they were singing. For the next song Tegoshi would be playing the guitar and Massu would be playing the tambourine! XD
15. Ra Ra Sakura ら.ら.さくら
Now onto the second half of the con~ I must say I enjoyed the second half more then the first due to the fact they sang more upbeat songs, even though I love their slow type ballads very much!~ So Ra Ra Sakura was next and my god its such a cute song~ It’s the b-side off the Sweden version of Tanabata Matsuri~~ I want it! *O* Massu’s cutely played the tambourine while singing and again the graphics on the screen were really gorgeous to watch~ (sakura blossoms)!
16. What’s going on?
Aha at this point I could see a lot of girls whispering to each other and pointing down to the stage furthest away from the main stage so decided to direct my attention to there for a sec and to my surprise I could see Koya and Shige sitting in this separate section around that stage! *O* They were cutely talking and whispering…I wish I knew what they were saying! >///<
After staring for too long my attention went back to Tegomasu! XD They were singing and moving around with the music on the main stage~~
17. Chocolate
SO glad they sang this song!! They gave off such a cool feeling with this song, I must say they both looked really handsome during this song for some reason! XD The graphics on the screen were really cute as well! It was random chocolate bars and melting chocolate!~
18. Highway
Massu and Tego sang the high parts really well~ The "radio" part made me laugh!
I think the graphics on the screen were like giving off the feeling like your moving along the road or something…(that’s what my head is telling me…but I really don’t know if that really how it was lol)
19. Fantastipo ファンタスティポ
I FREAKED OUT WHEN THE MUSIC STARTED FOR THIS. I absolutely LOVE fantastipo and Toraji Haiji for the crack they are so I was screaming and jumping up and down when they started singing this while my heart was racing again. They did all the same dance moves that Toraji Haiji did, and did them very well!!! Hahahaha. Reminded me exactly of the PV minus the dancing armadillo, horse print suit, and cheesy screen effects~~ This was defiantly one of my absolute favorite parts of the whole concert. While they were singing I was wondering if Toraji haiji would make a guest appearance…but they didn’t sadly. x’D For Tegomasu to pick Fantastipo as one of their songs is just really …fantastic, haha!♥
20. Ai Ai Gasa アイアイ傘
On the stages furthest from the main (Tego on the left and Massu on the right) they began to sing Ai Ai gasa and the platforms they were standing up on began to rise to high! O_O I had suchhhhhh a good view of Massu. I had the feeling that I could just reach out and touch him, haha. Seemed really close. n__n♥ Of course they sang this beautifully…Massu’s hand movements were really cute! >.<. Oh yah and the PV was playing on the main screen too~~
21. Bokurashiku 僕らしく
They were still on the high up platforms for this song~ The chorus for this song is really catchy and had such a happy feeling!! With big smiles Tegomass sang the song while waving to the audience! ^^(To bad Massu didn’t wave to our section so much x’D;;) I wasn’t really paying much attention to tego for this one since Massu was closer but you can tell Massu was reading the Uchiwa’s that people had made. He kept nodding that squatting on he platform trying to read them…it was really adorable~
22. Owaranaide 終わらないで
Love this song. To me it seemed kind of of more like a NEWS song then a Tegomasu song, but none the less it rocked!! I think at this point the platforms went back to the ground and it was sign boards time (i think each of them had 3 or 4 boards?)! Tegoshi threw his to the left side of he arena and Massu threw his to the right~ Most of them went to people on the lower levels and arena but one came up so close to where were! Ahh the girls who got them are so lucky! XDD “Na na na na na..”♫
22. Kimi+boku=Love キミ+ボク=LOVE?
This is one of the first songs by Tegomasu that I really got addicted to it! I was really hyper and excited to be able to hear them sing it live! n__n Around the middle of the song the staff brought out these huge balloons that Tegomasu threw into the audience~! One of them kicked one into the stands but sadly it fell back into the arena. XD The balls bounced around the arena for awhile then burst and a bunch of normal sized balloons saying “tegomasu no uta first live” came out! It all came to an end with a bang and shiny tinsel falling into the arena and lower stands!~ I really wanted a piece of the tinsel but it looks like the arena people had horded it all, haha. XD After they left the stage and the encore call started! アンコールアンコールアンコール everyone chanted knowing that they must come back out again!
23. Katomoi no chiisana koi 片想いの小さな恋
All the calls reached Tegomasu and they came out again! I'm not sure if they talked before or after the song but they both spoke about how thankful they are that everyone came out to see them and how they were worried about everything going smoothly and stuff. Such a beautiful song, the opening was so angelic and gentle~~ Small shining stars were everywhere, it really set there mood for the song, made it really moving! ;____;♥
24. Kiss~Kaerimichi no love song~ キッス ~帰り道のラブソング~
I was so scared that they wen't going to sing this one, but that god they came back and did! One of my favorite songs for sure. <3 For this song while the music was playing they stoped singing and the audience just sang with the music. Tegomasu looked really happy as everyone sang together~! XD Good thing I remember most of the lyrics for this so I could sing along as well! ^_~ At the end at the top of the main stages staircase they stood together, held hands and yelled out ARIGATOU GOZAIMASU” really loud without the mics and bowed together! >///< From there I really thought it was the end, and I was really satisfied with the whole con~~
After the song was over you can see people rushing to leave their seats (probably trying to get on the train without it being to crowded) but all the people who were still there started chanting again!! :D
Double encore:
25. Zutto すっと
So after a few minutes of the chanting…
Sdlafh;sladfkghadfkgh They actually came out for a double encore!! Everyone Screamed and the people who were in the process of leaving rushed back to their seats. Too bad for the people who had already left they missed a really good ending. O_O;;♥♫ When they came out I think they said something along the lines of how they were surprised they wanted them to come sing again. Massu was saying how the band and everyone was gone and was asking if it was really ok if they could do one more song?! Then Tegoshi being the brat he is says that they would sing only if the audience says 'please'. So Tegoshi and Massu together say せーの。。。and the audience yelled out “おねがいーー!” Tegoshi: “Let’s do it!”~ Then he said they wull be singing an old NEWS song! *O* Haha, the band came back and they sang!♥ Ahhhhh the song was so nostalgic, reminded me of all those old clips of NEWS. Even though their vocals cords must have been tired they sang the song with so much passion, it was just beautiful. The stage was all dark and the lights made it look like the night sky…really the perfect ending. After the song they left the stage waving and yelling thanks you to everyone! ^______^
...random blurry picture that is really useless...
Thing that I know happened but I don’t know when:
★Near the beginning of the concert (i think it was during there first mini talk) a guy in the stands yelled out really loud in a low voice MASSUUUU! You could hear all the giggles from everyone~~! XD
★Massu and Tegoshi aren’t big talker when it comes to MC’s so some random people in the audience were yelling “Ganbare! Ganbare!” to them during the talk part…especially Massu! :P
★There was another outfit change i think? o_O Dunno when though...
★The horses made another appearance near the end somewhere XD ( I think it was during Kimi+Boku…but not for sure)
★After the MC while Shige and Koya were chilling near the stage where Tegomasu were singing the camera fell upon Shige and he was he had both of his had around his mouth trying to yell something really loud! XD Not sure what he was trying to yell but It was cute!
★Koyama and Shige were standing together with their hands crossed watching Tegomasu perform. It seemed that Koyama was kinda of moving his body along with the song, and I think at one point Shige was talking to one of the Staff people and laughing~
*sigh of happiness*
Overall it was really amazing! I’m really proud of them and the fact that they were able to produce such a great show with just the two of them and the band! XD The concert was really one of the highlights of my life, and i'm really glad that I got to see Tegomasu as my first JE concert. It was everything and more than I expected it to be! ^o^
**Please do not re-post any of this...anywhere!!**