Hair One

Oct 09, 2007 13:50

Though I've passed by it probably at least once a week for the past two years, I've never actually ventured inside Hair One Salon. Today, on a whim, I decided to brave it and check the store out.

If you don't know where it is, Hair One is on Pensacola across from Kaiser Permanente. There are about five parking spaces for the building. Once you find the building, it's pretty easy to locate the store. It's the one with mannequin heads modeling wigs in the window.

In addition to wigs, they also have clip on ponytails and such. The selection is actually larger than what I was expecting. I entered the store to find one lone saleswoman who was pretty pushy. I couldn't just browse in peace, she had to quiz me on if I was looking for a wig for Halloween, if it was for me, why I needed a wig if I already had long hair, what color I wanted, etc... I asked about a medium length, straight blonde wig to get a price range, and she said the special price (for Halloween) was $30. Aparently, the wig is usually $55. I asked what type of fiber it was made from and couldn't get a straight answer, either because she didn't know that wigs come in different fibers, didn't know the exact type of fiber, or was freaked out that I knew so much about wigs (more than a casual person walking off the street would, anyway). I inquired about wig caps (to which she promptly said that she'd give me one free if I bought a wig right there XP) and apparently they are $5 if you buy just a wig cap. They come in either white or black.

I quickly excused myself and ran away, my curiosity satisfied. Though they did have a wider selection than I was expecting, for the styles and prices, it's probably better to just buy a wig from online. I didn't ask if they knew how to style wigs, but given how pushy and nosy the lady was already, I honestly was just focused on getting out of there after I got the basic information.

Long story short: Hair One's not really worth the trip if you're looking for a wig. Best to just shop online, especially if you're weak against pushy salespeople.


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