Title: A Moment With Me Pairings: USUK Rating: K Warnings: Sap (from me? No way) Summary: England is pushed to the edge and America decides a nice moment would do them both a world of good.
ouo -wiggles- SAPPY SAPSAP. :D I kinda needed that as a study break!
T3T I kind of sympathize with England getting annoyed with Alfred being loud and obnoxious (read: rude0, but I couldn't help but to go "aww... poor America." I felt Iggy went a bit too far with his insult. :(
I really wasn't expecting such... fluff in the second half of the chapter. I couldn't help but to laugh a little when Alfred suddenly was in Arthur's house (tracking mud and leaving puddles) as well as when Artie was muttering to his faeries (xD Al can't see them).
mmmff, America why are you so adorkable? He really was trying to make an effort huh~? haha I'm not surprised at Arthur trying to struggle for a bit, but in the end... it was too cute. SOOOOO CUTE. -melts into goo-
That fanart will cheer me up any single day. At work, when it gets too much, I go in the back and look at it. It's just too much for my little heart to handle.
If I ever tell you to shut up, about anything, will be the day I'm either royally pissed at you or I'm in a TERRIBLE mood. Generally, when I'm in a bad mood I just don't reply to anyone and sit in my room. I try not to lash out. :3
Comments 17
T3T I kind of sympathize with England getting annoyed with Alfred being loud and obnoxious (read: rude0, but I couldn't help but to go "aww... poor America." I felt Iggy went a bit too far with his insult. :(
I really wasn't expecting such... fluff in the second half of the chapter. I couldn't help but to laugh a little when Alfred suddenly was in Arthur's house (tracking mud and leaving puddles) as well as when Artie was muttering to his faeries (xD Al can't see them).
mmmff, America why are you so adorkable? He really was trying to make an effort huh~? haha I'm not surprised at Arthur trying to struggle for a bit, but in the end... it was too cute. SOOOOO CUTE. -melts into goo-
ALSO DAT FANART <3 -feels fluffy and gooey-
And your comments always make me giggle.
Thank you for sharing that with us.^^
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