Tutorial #2 - Ai Otsuka

Jun 11, 2007 08:27

Tutorial requested by pinkosa here.

Open an image in photoshop. Crop it and sharpen if you want. I usually don't sharpen icons, but it depends on your personal tastes.

Duplicate your base and set it on Screen; 100%.

Now go to layers-> adjustment layers-> Selective Color and set the Reds like this:
Cyan: -60
Yellow: +100.
Then, Set the neutrals like this:
Cyan: -5
Yellow -10

Go to Layers -> Adjustment Layers -> Hue/Saturation and set the Masters like this:
Saturation: +10
Now, set the Reds like this:
Saturation: +20

Now add another layer of Selective Color and set the Reds like this:
Cyan: -100
Yellow: +100
and the Neutrals like this:
Cyan: +58
Magenta: -26
Yellow: -40
And you're done!

Other examples made with the same tutorial:

Ai Otsuka [大塚愛 ], %non icon; tutorial, maker; huyuhuyu

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