The Rules

Jan 11, 2009 20:15

The Rules

[UPDATED 08/05/09]

• You must be at least EIGHTEEN or older to join the game and your character must be at least SIXTEEN or older in order to be an actual host. This game will contain mature content.

• STAY ACTIVE! Totally not kidding here. Update your character’s journal AND post one log at least once every two weeks! Do not expect other players to bug you to make you active, it's your responsibility.

The mod will be doing activity checks at the end of every month, and you can and will be booted for inactivity! ANY and ALL hiatuses should be reported in the OOC community or to the mod directly.

• STAY IC. This is an AU Community where there bound to be some strange and unusual situations but it is stressed that this is NOT a crack community. Naruto is mischievous, Lee is extremely energetic, Hinata is shy -- these basic things need to stay the same, although over time your character may grow.

• Do NOT roleplay with yourself via your alts! I am so serious!! Also do not comment on your alts LJ posts. (I mean seriously guys what does that even accomplish.) Limit your alt interaction preferably to ZERO. If you have two or more characters, please do not go out of your way to have them interact. If you play a teacher and a student, and your student is in that teacher's class, that's fine, but they cannot interact.

• DO NOT JOIN TO SATISFY AN OTP! Do not pressure another player to hook their character up with yours. Do not immediately have your character fall for/become interested in another character with literally no freaking reason. Roleplay it out. If you feel that you are being pressured to go along with someone's OTP, please report it! You are of course allowed to solicit other players to see if they are cool with your characters being interested in one another.

• God-modding/meta-gaming WILL NOT be tolerated. Controlling and forcing other characters that are not your own to do things is a no-no. This ranges from saying that another character is blushing when the other player hasn't stated it, to trying to avoid IC consequences, to doing something drastic to another character without the player's permission (such as punching, beheading, etc).

• Be nice to one another, both IC and OOC. Do not pick on, bully, harass, or otherwise act like a jerk to the other players.

• Any adult material (R and NC-17) should be friend-locked/member-locked and place under an LJ-cut with the appropriate warnings.

• No pregnancies. Ever.

• No incest. You heard me!!

• Any NPCs you introduce into a scene are your responsibility. Do not create an NPC in a log and then dump it onto another player to handle. It's just plain rude. If you discuss the purpose of the NPC with them, you can ask them nicely to help you handle the NPC in their replies. Conversely, do not control another player's NPC without speaking to them about it first, because they may have something in mind.

• No original characters please and thanks. Dead characters (i.e. The Fourth Hokage, Haku) are fine however, unless they are established in a character's background that they are already dead in this universe.

• As of now, there’s a THREE CHARACTER limit for each player. Twins (i.e. Sakon & Ukon) can count as a single character. If you are interested in applying for a third character, a player MUST discuss with a mod in detail before being given to green light to go and apply! Players must also be ACTIVE with their alts before applying for a new one.

• This community uses PB models. A PB (player base) model is a real-life person used to portray a character. If you need any deciding on one, go visit Hollow Art, ask around, or get in contact with a mod.

• Having an AIM SCREEN NAME where other players can contact you is a MUST. It's vital that you are easy to contact! Should you have a problem installing AIM on your computer, please check out meebo, which allows you to log in from your browser.

• The mod reserves the right to remove any player from the game for any reason. If you are an active, contributing member of the game, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. If you have been spoken to by the mod more than once about issues you're having, you need to get your act together, because you can and will be removed.

As an example: Pakkun has been consistently idle for a total of three weeks over the past two months without a hiatus notice, hasn't finished any logs (but says he has 3 in the works), and has only posted one LJ post. Pakkun has been spoken to by the mod about his inactivity and his lack of logs, but has not done anything to fix the problem, and in fact goes idle again for another week without warning. The mod will remove him without having to give him another chance. Pakkun didn't show any common courtesy to his fellow players or the mod, so the mod does not have to extend such courtesies to him.

Why? Because: 1) Pakkun left other players hanging by starting logs that he hasn't finished, 2) Pakkun left other players hanging by not being around to RP with, 3) Pakkun did not give a hiatus notice to denote he would be inactive, 4) Pakkun did not post a log and an LJ post once every two weeks, and 5) Pakkun clearly is not invested in the game. So there!! e_e



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