Name/Nickname: Paige, but I more commonly answer to CS.
Age: 18
Height: 5"7
Likes: Reading, writing (or, in most cases, typing - the keyboard and the personal computer are such useful institutions; and leave no dreaded "pinky smudges"), drawing, fashion, musical theatre, shiny things, inanimate objects with smiley faces, pop culture references that no one cares about, fluffy objects/creatures.
Dislikes: Hypocrisy and injustice (i.e. wrongful accusations or placements of blame), sweeping generalizations, homophobia, impassionate/overly casual people, Bible-thumpers, bad grammar, driving, elitists, label fiends, pompousity, and physical affection.
Strong points: The ability to assess and rationalize a situation. I'm very much the "dear Abby" of my circle; people come to me with their problems and value my input in solving them. Similarly, I can also keep my head in a crisis. I'm very perceptive and observant of those around me, although I can tend to turn a blind eye towards my own self. I've also been given the "bizarre sense of humor" compliment.
Weak points: I can sometimes be emotionally distant to the point of reclusion, and I am easily discouraged and prone to internal woe at the slightest of rejections or unintentional comments. At the same time, I often have difficulty saying "no" to other people, which has lead to my being taken advantage of in the past. I strive to be well-liked, perhaps too hard - I'm fine with being disliked for who I am, but not on a false impression. As such, I'm always straining to accurately represent my character, and agonizing over things most people don't give a second thought about after the moment has passed. My over-efficient metabolism, tendency towards procrastination, inability to see the forest for all of the trees, and lack of athletic inclination are others.
Hobbies: Teh intarwebs, flouncing about in garments and make-up arranged to befit my conception of the adjective "pretty" (and taking pictures afterward), costuming, face-painting, reading, writing, and other things that involve melting in front of a screen/general geekery.
Talents: I draw a little, I write a lot, I put on a face and an accessory or two and play pretend, and I live in my head 90% of the time.
Favorite color: Green, if I were to judge by my closet - but really, I love color by virtue.
Favorite animal: Cat! But dogs are good, too.
Mature or Immature?: I'd like to think the former, but we all have our moments.
Leader or Follower?: Er. . . is "observer" a legitimate answer? I prefer and feel uncomfortable leading because I don't like to represent on the behalf of others, but at the same time, I'm a very autonomous person in most respects.
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: I tend to be optimistic about the silliest, most improbable things (like snow on Christmas), and pessimistic about most everything else. Of course, I'm of that camp who call their particular brand of melancholy nay-saying "realism", too.
Low, medium, or high energy level?: Somewhere between medium and low, on a good day. . . I can be incredibly lazy and ill-motivated.
Favorite quote, and why?: This question always stumps me. I spend roughly five minutes trying to work up something cool before eventually deciding that I could care less. I wish I had a very insightful, intelligent, and thought-provoking extollation by a philosophical great here, but I don't. I hate how you can never recall information when you're asked to do precisely that.
Favourite food?: French fries, pasta, or something else equally starchy and full of carbohydrates.
Describe your personality in three words: Sarcastic, introverted, backwards
Favorite character, and why?: Tamaki, because. . . how can you not adore him, in all of his quasi-ridiculous and inappropriate splendor? Of all of the exaggerated, melodramatic, and overly romantic character types there are, his personality is the most multi-faceted. . . and utterly loveable in a way that mandates much squeeing. (But of course, I'm biased and have a yen for ladies' men and flamboyant types.)
Least favorite character, and why?: It's actually difficult to think of a character I dislike in Ouran. . . even the most annoying personalities aren't truly unstandable, and they all have redeeming qualities. Tamaki's grandmother is the logical answer, I suppose.
Favourite pairing, and why?: Tamaki/Haruhi, because I'm predictable and always fall for the pathetic/apathetic relationships with opposing character types. Also, it's so canon! And adorably so!
If you could spend the day with one of the characters who would it be, what would you do, and why would you pick them? Well, Tamaki is probably the most "fun" of the lot, by my standards, and the least likely to eventually seriously irritate me - although, judging by how often I laugh aloud in the midst of his speeches, I might spend most of said day trying to coax him out of the corner. It would be fun to do a photo shoot together, however, with some of those clothes from the host club closet. . .
Anything else?: I'm a self-proclaimed teenage spinster.
How did you find this community?: The miracle of searching for "Ouran Kokou Host Club" in the LJ Interests search field!
Any other questions you feel should be added to the application? Perhaps more situational queries? As in, "what would you do if. . ." But maybe I just like those. XD Also, characters need to be updated; Mei-chan and Misuzu have become more integral, as has Kasanoda and other supporting characters.
Pictures: Apologies for the camwhoring; I'm so indecisive! And. . . it was difficult to find photos of myself looking normal. . .
. . . I personally think my application reads like the love child of Haruhi/the entire host club, but I'm interested in getting your judgments. XD
Edit: Tag fixed! Sorry for the page stretching. x_x;;