Name/Nickname: Kitsune/Kits
Age: 15
Height: 5'6
Likes: Foxes, reading, tea, anime/manga, history, bodies of water, rain, internet, animals, dusk, knowledge, music, video games, foreign languages, fairy tales, fantasy
Dislikes: Ignorance, idiots, too hot days, racism, sexism, closed-minded attitudes, science, heights, astronomy
Strong points: I'm good at listening when I choose to, and fairly intelligent. I'd like to believe I'm creative, and can look at things from an objective viewpoint. If I get close to someone, and genuinely care about them, I will do almost anything for them. I'm fairly polite to the majority of people, unless I know them...and then I get rude.
Weak points: I have a bit of a temper, and despite the cliche-ness of this, I have a bit of trouble getting close to people. On the other hand, once I get close to someone I become needy. I become afraid of losing them. I have a horrible memory, and procastinate too much.
Hobbies: Writing, reading, playing video games, learning foreign languages, anime/manga, fandom, daydreaming, thinking
Talents: Writing, playing video games, learning foreign languages
Favorite color: black/green/silver/purple
Favorite animal: Foxes
Mature or Immature?: Mature-ish. I can get immature if I'm around the right people. But I'm naturally mature
Leader or Follower?: Mostly Leader, but there are also occasions when I freak out, and rather follow.
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Pessimistic, definitely. I think too much.
Low, medium, or high energy level?: Medium. Beause sometimes I don't have that much energy at all, but put me & my best friend in the same room, and I'd probably get a high one really quick.
Favorite quote, and why?: "Fairy tales do not tell children that dragon's exist. Children already know that dragon's exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragon's can be killed."
-G.K. Chesterton
It's pessimistic and it's about fantasy, what's not to love?
Favourite food?: Steak & rice.
Describe your personality in three words: Ouch, that's hard. Um, Dreamer, Contradictory, and Pessimistic. I suppose.
Favorite character, and why?: ...That's hard. I suppose it'd be Hikaru. His obliviousness is endearing, and he makes me laugh and fangirl and cry, whether it's at the same time or at a different time.
Least favorite character, and why?: That's even harder. I don't think there's a character that is hateable in Ouran. Maybe Mori? Mainly because I don't really know too much about him.
Favourite pairing, and why?: Hikaru/Kaoru. Oh, I'm about to ramble. To be perfectly honest, their little act in the Host Club drives m nuts, because it's just so fake that it hurts. But their obvious devotion to each other, such as in episode 15 when Kaoru gets the cut on his cheek and Hikaru freaks out, that is what makes me love them. They care about each other alot, whether you see it as brothers or lovers, and that's what really endears me to this pairing.
If you could spend the day with one of the characters who would it be, what would you do, and why would you pick them? Hikaru. Um, I'd really be up for whatever he wants to do, because it doesn't matter. As long as it doesn't involve one of my fears, that is. And the reason is the same as above. There's something about him that I just adore.
Anything else?: Nope, nothing.
How did you find this community?:
keepdreamingxx's profile page.
Any other questions you feel should be added to the application?
I am picture-less, so sorry. Um, I have brown eyes, and light brown hair, but it's soon going to be red. As in hopefully this week. Oh, and it reaches my mid-back. And I was never good at this describing yourself thing.