Fashion Collection~

Jul 08, 2009 13:28

In the Upper East Side, what you're wearing is nearly as important (if not more so) than what you actually do. Whether your style is Gucci or grunge, this is the place to post samples of what fashion your character sports.

Polyvore is a great fashion tool that you can use to build your wardrobe.

Feel free to design outfits for specific logs, or just generic looks that they might wear. Add accessories and jazz up their school uniforms. Outfits for every occasion are encouraged! Formal, casual, cocktail, beach wear, workout... the possibilities are endless.

What to do:

• Post in this thread with your character journal. That will start your character's fashion thread.
• Reply to that post and that post only with your character's outfits.
• Come back and post new ones whenever you make new ones!

Also feel free to link to specific outfits in any logs you do, if you have one already made for it.

Oh, protip for Polyvore: You can tag clothes/photos from other sites, onto, so that you can use them in your outfits. Just click here for instructions! (For instance, if you find something on the Bloomingdales website, you'll be able to add that item to polyvore after you follow the stuff on that link.)

I hope everyone can make at least one outfit for their character!

fashion, !mod post

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