slipped my mind.. so much hottness in one post should be illegal

Mar 13, 2005 16:03

whoa.. i forgot to post my pictures from meeting The Used and MCR.. well i didn;t get pics with ALL of MCR.. just Mikey.. but i met Frank and Gerard  too :oD.. okay.. well try to avoid the fact that i look super ass-y.. i mean.. it was like 130am.. an we were freezing our asses off..

^^ Ya.. thats right.. he's very dreamy.. i'm very not lol.. then again everyone looks ugly standing next to him lol... or anyone from The Used for that matter

^^ lindseys finger got in the way.. Jephs hott pink make up is off.. that makes me sad.. my hott pink n blue make up is off.. this makes me sadder

^^ the nicest dude ever.. and a lot hotter when he's scruffy :o)

^^why does he insist on making a funny face.. he;s so pretty when he just smiles.. unlike me

^^ hahha cranky bitches.. oh well.. at least Jepha is still wearing his make up.. Quinn looks like a street bum tho :-/

And well i seem to have forgotten to scan in my Mikey n Me pic... later.. for now.. just enjoy the hottness
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