Name: siobhan. that's pronounced sha-von, hoe!
Age and Birthday: 17. day of the dead, 1986.
Where do you live? richmond, ky. i am primarily in louisville, kentucky, though.
Do you consider yourself attractive? if i didn't, what would be the point in applying?
Do you get told all of the time just how attractive you are? yes.
What do they say most of the time? i liove your lips, eyes, hair, etc.
What physical features do you like and dislike about yourself? i like my lips, my eyebrows, my skin, and my eyes. i dislike my height (i'm five feet tall), my b-cup boobs, and my hair. i'm changing my hair within the next few weeks.
More Fun Stuff!
Are you a member of a rating community? If yes, which ones? yes.
_murderousfucks (my rating community),
sexxxalicious, and
What is your favorite style of clothing? lately, i've really been into stella mccartney and moschino cheap and chic. i'm still trying to decide how i feel about the diesel line this season... it's quite different from the stuff that they have been putting out lately.
What was your favorite era? the forties/ fifties. i'm obsessed with pin-up girls.
What is your favorite movie?GUMMO.
Who are your top 5 favorite bands? daughters, employer employee, usurp synapse, the eagles of death metal, black cross.
More Stuff
What is your best quality? i'm a realist.
Who is your favorite female and male icon?female: marilyn monroe or betty page. male: andy warhol.
What is your most embarrassing moment? getting my dress stuck in the back of my panty hose in the third grade and walking around half the day not knowing about it.
Favorite Book, by whom? just one? i'll say two. ishmael by daniel quinn and slaughterhouse-five by kurt vonnegut.
If you could have sex with anyone person in the world, who would it be? the person that i'm going to be with for the rest of my life. i'm tired of being in love with the wrong people.
Name someone on LJ that you think is beautiful. Specific LJ names)
spikeydrew What is ultimately sexy to you? intelligence. i can't date an imbecile. i just can't.
Share with us something that makes you kind of dorky! i own every tori amos album.
How did you find this community? someone recommended it to me in my livejournal a long time ago. i'm just now getting around to applying.
Why do you want to be a member? this community doesn't seem retarded like a lot of the rating communities on lj, and i'm toatlly down with that.
How do you express your individuality? by creating art. i design/ make clothes and paint. i'm also in three bands, and have taken belly dancing lessons for two years. i was a ballerina for nine years but my studio mistress was a chach so i quit.
Anything else you want to share? the eagles of death metal are hella fun to listen to.
Please fill this out with your application:
siobhan_vicious have read ALL of the community rules and will follow them. If I do not adhere to them, I understand that I can and will be banned from the community. I also agree if accepted as a member to actually vote. Signed,