NO -- that is not what preppy means
March 30 2005, 19:43:57 UTC
A "prep" is defined as someone who attends a preperatory school. I am going to go out on a limb and say you don't attend one. If you do live in Paradise Valley, Arizona, you most likely go to Saguaro High School. For your information, there are six college preps in the state of Arizona: Brophy, Xavier, Phoenix Country Day, Tempe Prep, Veritas, and the IB program. Since you don't go to ANY of these schools, you are not a "prep". Shopping at abricrombie makes you a nympho fucktard (yes look up the poetry that Slavoj Zizek wrote for abericrombie and look at their nude magazine. Nice job -- dumbass
Re: NO -- that is not what preppy meansmonktrinkMarch 30 2005, 21:23:19 UTC
First off, for your information, there are 7 main prep schools in the valley. You failed to mention Scottsdale Christain, which is a huge prep school and I don't see how it could have slipped your mind. I do not attend Saguaro High School so please don`t stereotype me just because of the city that I reside in. Paradise Valley is an extremely nice part of town so it absolutly not something you should be referencing in a degrading tone. Also, someone does not have to go to a prep school in order to be a prep; I know plenty of preppy people from Saguaro. Also, my mention of Abercrombie and Fitch said that I only wore their pj's.. so before you slap names on it please actually read the application thoroughly. In conclusion, I attend Phoenix Country Day School which is absolutly the most elite, prestigious and preppy school in Arizona.
Nope, sorry, wrong again
March 31 2005, 19:47:03 UTC
Since you obviously don't know the first thing about prep schools, allow me to enlighten you. There are six prep schools in five ways. 1st, I will be generous and say that SCA has a college prep curriculum in some grades and fields. Therefore because it only has a college prep curriculum in some grades then it would fall under the classification of an IB program. 2nd, because only a select section of the school has college prep coarse and not the majority, then it cannot be classified as fully being college prep. 3rd, according to the "Standard and Criteria" developed to rate and classify Prep schools by the Commission on Accreditation and School improvement ( a prep school is defined as "a school whose primary mission is to provide and education that will prepare its students for college level work." When students are reading "king of the wind" in seventh grade then I don't exactly think it is
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Comments 32
First off, for your information, there are 7 main prep schools in the valley. You failed to mention Scottsdale Christain, which is a huge prep school and I don't see how it could have slipped your mind. I do not attend Saguaro High School so please don`t stereotype me just because of the city that I reside in. Paradise Valley is an extremely nice part of town so it absolutly not something you should be referencing in a degrading tone. Also, someone does not have to go to a prep school in order to be a prep; I know plenty of preppy people from Saguaro. Also, my mention of Abercrombie and Fitch said that I only wore their pj's.. so before you slap names on it please actually read the application thoroughly. In conclusion, I attend Phoenix Country Day School which is absolutly the most elite, prestigious and preppy school in Arizona.
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