decided to post some pictures.
starting with pictures from halloween that i never posted
max smoking a cig
my sexy boyfriend kevin with a beer in hand. what's that in the other hand? i believe it is a pocket knife.
maxx looking hot like sex.
now these ones are from last weekend. my team and i went up to riverside to play in a tournament.
toonez's truck aka the roach.
the roach again. #5 (toonez), her little brother nick, and mamas chillin in between games
my sister and my dad havin a water fight.
rod, one of my coaches. you cannot kill this man, honestly. i expect him to live forever.
juli's dad rob, aka buddha
me and my sister on frank and becky's bed. yes, that is a mirror above the bed. honeymoon suite.
the heart shaped jacuzzi in their room. the room will forever be known as the cheasy porn room
my sister terry and our cousin alexis. can you believe that alexis is younger than my sister?
terry showing the phone off and nikki in the background
me looking like shit.
me again.
my little sister victoria when i teased her hair all out
isn't she so adorable?
vic and nik all 80's. nikki is trying to look all badass or something
and me being all camera whore.