shit I'm thankful for

Nov 24, 2011 14:29

because it's that day again, and I guess I feel like being sentimental, idk.

I'm thankful for my family. I look around at my friends and their families - or sometimes lack thereof - and so many of them are scattered or estranged or fighting. I consider myself seriously lucky that I can't even imagine that. My family has always been close and tight-knit. Our parents are supportive of us in whatever we do, and we do what we can to help out. We hug each other at every available opportunity. We say 'I love you' at least twice a day. We live within easy driving distance of a number of relatives; there's always good food and good company on the holidays. When our water gets shut off unexpectedly and my sister has hair dye in, we can run down to Granny's and she can take a shower. When my grandma is recovering from knee surgery, I can stay with her for weeks and look after her. The property we hunt and cut firewood on belongs to my mom's parents. Not everyone has that, and I appreciate that fact. It's something I think about often, and especially around the holidays.

I'm thankful for my friends. I get up in the morning and I check my plurk and there are 100+ people with whom I have common ground. I could strike up a conversation with any one of them, or all of them. Many of them share not only my interests, but my opinions or my feelings. I can play with them, talk with them. Some of them have kept me around through plurk cuts, and that says to me that they're interested in what I have to say. I know a lot of them are sincerely invested in my life and its happenings, aside from any fandoms or hobbies we have in common. If I have a bad day, I can turn to these people and they'll comfort me, or offer me advice, or cheer me up with adorable .gifs or funny videos. If I have a good day, I can share it with them and they'll be happy for me. Every single person reading this right now is one of those people, and every single one of you means so much to me. Thank you for being my friend.

okay so I'm crying now fight me

I'm thankful for the internet. If it weren't for the internet, not only would I not have all these amazing people at my fingertips, but I would never even have met the vast majority of them. The internet is a constant open line of communication, a way for me to reach out to someone at any hour, anywhere in the world. It's a source of information, a vast share of knowledge, an endless well of entertainment, a continuous stream of media, and an excellent way to waste time. It's fucking amazing, okay, and I honestly don't know where I'd be without it.

I'm thankful for Rachel. Yeah, she gets her own point. I met Rachel in fifth grade, during a really shitty math game that I honestly don't remember how to play. I lived in the same town with her for six months, in the same state with her for five years, and we've been best friends for over a decade - thirteen years as of October 6th. We've been here for each other through countless fandoms, even more countless roleplays, over half a dozen moves, the loss of more than ten pets, a house fire, two heart attacks, and all the stupidity of high school. She means literally the world to me, and neither of us would be the people we are today if it weren't for one another. I love you, Rachel. ♥

I could go on, to be honest. I'm thankful for my fandoms, for my pets, for the beautiful house that I live in, for the new vibrator I just got, for my amazing sound system- but obviously, it gets stupider as we go, and anyway, dinner's ready. so-

I'm thankful for this amazing fucking food I'm about to eat. the end. ♥

cassie's a fish, thanksgiving, and no one was surprised

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