Title: A Secret Not Worth Keeping
Author: hotbaguettes69
Chapter: Eleven
Rating: PG
Pairing: Pierre/David
Word Count: 4038
Theme Song:
Vacation - Main Theme.
It takes a man - Jeff's Theme
Summary: Pierre Bouvier lives a normal life as an 18 year old on his senior year in high school. He's captain of the hockey team and all the girls want him. But Pierre is harbouring a secret. He thinks nothing could be worse than people finding out the truth... Until he meets a boy who makes him think maybe his secret isn't worth keeping after all...
Author's note: So, I know it would have made more sense to use formal titles for Jeff's parents but it got annoying writing "mr.stinco was... said mrs.stinco... mr. and mrs. stinco looked at each other..." you get the idea. sorry.
Rayenna had it in her head now, she wasn't getting Pierre. But David was supposed to be her brother, and he'd betrayed her. She really liked Pierre and David continued dating him anyways. And for this reason, if she couldn't have Pierre, neither would David. Her heartbeat sped as she approached the apartment door with her parents, anticipating seeing Pierre. Her father knocked firmly on the door, and she realized it was only 7 am and they were probably both asleep. So it didn't surprise her when it took a few minutes for the doorknob to finally turn and her heart lept as Pierre stood in the doorway wearing only a pair of pyjama pants, and she decided she wasn't done with him. Pierre's cute sleepy face quickly turned to anger when he saw them standing there. It didn't worry her, she knew the anger was directed only towards her parents, not her. Pierre could never hate her, no matter what he said.
She opened her mouth to speak, still standing behind her father, when the door slammed in their faces and she heard footsteps on the other side walking away from it. Wow, Pierre really was mad at her parents. Her father knocked again. A loud groan was heard from the other side, then her brother's voice. "Pierre who is it?" David asked in an annoyed tone.
"No one David, go back to sleep." Pierre said, not long before the door swung open again.
"What?" Pierre snarled harshly.
"Hi Pierre!" Rayenna said excitedly, waving from behind her father, smiling widely.
"You're fuckin creepy." Pierre said, shaking his head and turning his attention back to Mr. Desrosiers.
She rolled her eyes and winked, knowing he was just kidding. But the remark sparked something inside her father and he instantly started yelling.
"YOU DIDN'T THINK SHE WAS CREEPY WHEN YOU STOLE HER INNOCENCE YOU PERVERTED SON OF A BITCH!" He yelled, making a move towards Pierre. Rayenna and her mother quickly reached up and held him in place before he could hurt Pierre. That would only create more trouble. Pierre just laughed and rolled his eyes.
"Oh, let me guess, she told you I got her pregnant?" He asked, his tone a mix of disgust and amusement. Mr. Desrosiers jolted forwards again and was held back again. Rayenna had stopped listening to the conversation and was staring at Pierre's body when she got busted.
"Well you might want to give that little speech to Jeff Stinco, the REAL father of Rayenna's baby. I've never even had sex with a girl, and I would never do so with a 14 year old, ever. With all due respect, your daughter is a whore, and a liar, and I think you need to sit down and have a talk with her somewhere other than my doorway." Pierre said, clearly hoping to get rid of them. But it wouldn't be that easy. Mrs. Desrosiers spoke up now.
"Jeff Stinco? Sara's son?! THE ONE WITH NO HAIR?! RAYENNA CAROLINE DESROSIERS, HOW OLD IS THAT BOY?!" She asked sternly. Pierre had never seen the woman act so authorative.
"Mom, no it's just I-" Rayenna started. Her heartbeat sped. How could Pierre do this to her? After everything she'd done for him, all of the love she'd given him!
"We'll talk about this at home. Sorry to wake you Pierre." She said, and they left. Rayenna just wanted to stay and have Pierre hold her, but she had no choice but to go with her mother.
Pierre exhaled deeply, glad to be rid of the crazy family, closed the door, and turned to go back to David, who to his surprise, was leaning on a wall behind him, arms crossed, smiling. Pierre smiled back, walking across the room at a dramatically slow pace. "What are you smiling at?" He asked his boyfriend.
"Just you." David replied happily, and eventually, their lips met, and they were able to go back to bed until noon.
Eventually, they dragged themselves out of bed and made brunch together, showered together, and got dressed. By two, they were ready to start their day, and looking for something different to do together, outside the apartment.
"Well... do you wanna go see a movie?" Pierre asked. David considered it for a moment then shook his head.
"Let's just go for a walk!" He said happily, and Pierre's heart instantly melted and there was no way he could say no, as David took his hand and lead him outside the apartment.
As they walked down the road hand in hand, they weren't really going anywhere particular. Just walking. And Pierre was so happy he could do this in public. This was really the first time they'd been out in public as a couple and it definitely made the top 10 in happiest moments in Pierre's life.
They kept walking as Pierre saw a familiar house approaching. He hadn't even realized he'd led David onto this street. It was a house that was like a second home to him. Somewhere he'd spent so much time in as a child, it was almost second nature to just walk in and grab some food, or a drink, and hang out with his best friend... Sebastien. As much as Seb had hurt and angered both him and David, he felt a strange pain. A weird kind of loneliness in his heart. He was almost in tears. How had things ended up this way? He couldn't think about that now... 'Just focus on David...' He told himself. And he did. He focused on the sweet, innocent, funny, hot, cute, loving, perfect guy holding his hand. And everything in the world was perfect. He had no problems, nothing mattered, and life was good.
Rayenna's father stormed to the living room and fell into his large chair less than a second after getting through the door. She turned to go upstairs and her mother immediately stopped her.
"Where do you think you're going?" She asked. Rayenna turned around slowly to see her mother standing there, arms crossed.
"Um... to my room I guess..." She offered.
"No, living room. Now. Don't say a word to your father and wait for me. I have to make a call." She said, and without another move, she walked to the kitchen. Who could she be calling? It really didn't matter to Rayenna. Her life was over. She was hoping that if her parents had believed the baby was Pierre's, her father could bully him into being with her, with some speech about responsibility because of the baby or whatever. But now that they knew the truth, she didn't know what was going to happen, and she sure as hell didn't want to be with Jeff Stinco. Regardless, she turned off the thoughts until she really needed them, slowly walked in, and flopped down on one side of the love seat, looking down and following her mothers' instructions to not speak to her father.
About five minutes later, her mother re-entered the room and sat on one end of the long couch on the other side of the room. A few minutes passed.
"So are we gonna talk or just fucking sit here?" Asked Mr. Desrosiers after enough silence.
"We're waiting for some people." She said simply, and not another word was spoken. Rayenna's heart was pounding at ultra speed. Who could her mother possibly have invited over? She speculated the possibilities as she sat fiddling with her thumbs and staring at her lap. Then the door bell rang.
Mrs. Desrosiers gave both her husband and daughter a stern look before getting up to answer the door. Rayenna felt like she could cry out of pure fear and pressure. But she kept it together, only to feel her entire soul explode out of fear as she saw her mother come back in the room with Jeff and his parents. Oh. My. God. She thought. How could she be doing this?
The Stinco's walked in cheerily which told Rayenna they didn't know yet. Jeff looked awkward, but Rayenna guessed it was probably just the situation since he didn't know about the baby yet. Jeff's parents sat down next to her mother on the couch, and due to lack of any other seats, Jeff walked across the room and awkwardly sat down next to her on the love seat.
"So..." Mrs. Desrosiers started. "I think we all need to talk about the situation we're currently in, in a calm, controlled enviroment." She said, and Rayenna panicked. She knew she had to speak up.
"Um, mom... Jeff doesn't..." She started, but got cut off.
"Yes I do... Pierre told me..." Jeff said, staring at his lap. Mr. Desrosiers, who had previously been silent, scoffed.
"Him again..." He said spitefully. Ray wanted to defend Pierre, but she felt like it was better just to keep her mouth shut at the moment.
"Um... could someone please tell us what's going on?" Asked Jeff's father.
"Rayenna, maybe you'd like to do that..." Said her mother, giving her a strong look, and she knew she had to take responsibility for her actions.
"Um... well, Mr. Stinco..." Rayenna started, voice shaking. He gave her a strong, welcoming look, and she knew he could tell how scared she was.
"Call me Leo sweetie..." He said.
"Um... okay, Leo... you see, um... I kind of..."
"She's pregnant with my baby." Jeff blurted out, and Ray's head snapped up to look at him. He gave her a nod that was so small it almost wasn't there, and she knew it was obvious to everyone how scared and embarrassed she was.
Jeff's mom looked down and shook her head. She didn't look angry... just sad, and disappointed.
"Is this true?" Jeff's dad asked bewildered, looking back and forth at Rayenna and her parents, all of which nodded their heads slowly. Mrs. Stinco... Sara... raised her head with two soft tears running down her cheeks. Neither Ray nor Jeff dared to look up from their laps. Leo seemed to be the strongest through the experience. He looked at Rayenna in what would have been the eye, if she'd had her head up... "How old are you sweetie?" He asked. He was a nice man. She finally looked up at him.
"I'm fourteen..." She said softly. She was so embarrassed. How could her mother subject her to this?
Sara choked back a sob and looked away not looking at anyone. Leo looked down, then looked up at both Mr. and Mrs. Desrosiers.
"Well... obviously we have a situation here and we have to deal with it. Go through our options." He said. It was clear to Rayenna that he was trying to keep it together to keep the whole room from falling apart. She'd just met him, but on first impression, she admired him.
"I agree completely..." She heard her father pipe up. "Well clearly there are only three options. We abort, get rid of that demon spawn, we adapt, pawn it off and make it someone else's problem, or we can let a fourteen year old whore and whatever your kid is, raise a CHILD." Mr. Desrosiers said, dismissing the thought with a scoff. Wait... WHAT had he just called her child? No Rayenna, calm down, daddy didn't mean it. She told herself. And she kept quiet. But Leo on the other hand...
"EXCUSE ME?!" He yelled, hopping out of his seat and standing firmly looking on to Mr.Desrosiers. "THAT'S MY SON AND MY GRANDCHILD YOU'RE FUCKING TALKING ABOUT. YOU THINK I DON'T HEAR ABOUT YOU PEOPLE?! SHUN YOUR KID FOR HIS SEXUAL PREFERANCE AND NOW THIS?! WELL YOU'RE JUST A HOUSE FULL OF SAINTS. I'M SURE GOD WOULD BE PROUD." He yelled. Rayenna's mouth fell open and she found herself smiling as Leo said the words so many people had thought about her parents for years. She didn't pay much attention to what her father said after that. Something about not bringing the lord into this and any child made from sin being a demon, other religious bullshit. She didn't care, all she cared about was that the two men were bellowing at each other, and now, so were the women, and they all seemed to have forgotten that this decision wasn't really theirs to make. Her and Jeff looked at each other slowly and she nodded her head to the side, motioning for him to follow her. The adults were so caught up in the heat of the moment, they didn't even notice them sneak outside for some air.
When they got outside and realised it was raining, Jeff brought Rayenna to sit in his dad's car and talk, which they did.
"So..." he started. "I know they all seem to think this is some battle between them... but really, we're the ones who need to talk... think about our options." He said softly, nicely, looking into her eyes from the driver's seat. He was strong like his dad. Mentally, that is. And she would be strong too.
"Yeah... I know..." She said, looking down embarrassedly.
"It's gonna be okay... but first and foremost, what do YOU want Ray? This is your body we're talking about I think you should make it clear what you'd like to happen before any more talk about it goes on." He said. Her heart was breaking with the whole situation. And even more so when she thought of killing her baby... so abortion was not an option.
"Well..." She started, trying to shift through her thoughts enough to fins an answer for Jeff. "I know adoption would be the easiest choice... a lot easier than bringing a baby into this already so messed up situation..." She started. Finally she looked up into Jeff's eyes to tell him this. "But I want to keep it." She said honestly through sad eyes. "And you don't have to help or stay... but I'm keeping it." She said more confidently. And it was true. No matter what anyone says, this was her baby and she would not abandon it.
Jeff couldn't help but admire Rayenna for what she'd just told him. With her parents being who they are, and with all the drama with her brother already... but she didn't care. She was doing what she felt was right for her and the baby, and so he had to do the same. He felt a tear run down his cheek. After talking to Pierre and David, and really just seeing Ray around school, he'd learned more about her and she really wasn't the type of person he wanted to get involved with. But this was as much his responsibility as it was hers, he made the choice too, and this was his child. His baby. He MADE this human being, and he would not abandon him/her. He looked into Rayenna's eyes. He hated the feeling. He could see the cold selfishness inside her, but they were covered by an almost innocence, as if she didn't realize what she was. But he'd done this to the girl so he had to pretend at least for a little while that he wasn't repulsed by her. "I want to keep it too... and I want to be a part of it's life when the time comes..." He said, and he meant it. As much as he disliked Ray, he wouldn't let that get in the way of him being with his child. Ever.
David could tell Pierre was on edge about something. He had been since they'd turned onto this street and he couldn't figure out why. He held Pierre's hand and started looking around for anything at all that might make Pierre uncomfortable. All he saw were trees... and houses and mai- that was it. As they approached a certain house that looked like any other house, David knew it wasn't. He looked at it carefully, his eyes scanning every inch of the house, then finally, the mail box... which read "Lefebvre." Pierre missed his friend. David hated that Pierre could love someone like that, but he did. They'd been best friends for a long time and obviously that meant something to Pierre. David wanted to talk about it, but not so... publicly. So he spent the rest of the walk focusing on enjoying Pierre.
Eventually, the two had come full circle and were walking up the stairs to the apartment. David looked up at Pierre, who looked down at him, and they both smiled. His heart felt like it was flying all the way into space when Pierre smiled. he stopped at the top of the stairs, and turned Pierre before he started walking down the hall, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's neck and kissing him suddenly and passionately. He couldn't help it. He was in love with Pierre. He loved Pierre's eyes... and hair... and smile. He loved how Pierre was sweet and funny and gentle and the way he didn't care about what other people thought. He loved the way he could feel Pierre smiling when they kissed, he loved the way he fit perfectly into Pierre's arms, like two pieces of a puzzle. He loved everything about his boyfriend, and even after everything he'd lost since he'd met Pierre... he felt like the luckiest person in the world.
The kiss broke, and Pierre wrapped his arm tight around David's shoulders who responded by resting his head on Pierre and wrapping both arms around his waist, and they walked down the hall towards their apartment door. They reached the door and Pierre put his key in the lock, "You just gonna walk right by me boy?" Said a woman's voice. David turned around with Pierre, not leaving his arms, seeing a middle-aged woman standing there smiling with her arms crossed. David hadn't noticed her when they'd come down the hall, she must have just come out of her apartment. Did Pierre know this woman? He looked up at his boyfriend who was smiling playfully.
"Hi Maggie..." Pierre said teasingly. David looked into Pierre's chest nervously.
"Well are you gonna introduce me?" She replied. Her voice was strong, but slightly playful. She was very outgoing and David could tell. Pierre laughed and suddenly David wasn't so nervous anymore. His heart lit up and he was just interested in meeting the woman that obviously had some part in Pierre's life.
"David, this is my neighbour Maggie. Maggie, this is my boyfriend David." Pierre said, and David's heart felt like it'd jumped through the roof. This was the first time they'd been able to say that. Without wispering, anyways. And it felt good to be standing somewhere other than their apartment and having Pierre's arm around him introducing him as his boyfriend. It just felt right in every way. The woman smiled and David was glad, but not surprised, that she accepted it.
"Well you haven't been around for weeks Bouvier, you kids want to come in?" She asked. David's initial reaction was no. He didn't. But really, he didn't mind. She seemed friendly and spending some time over there with Pierre wouldn't kill him. So he didn't mind when Pierre accepted and led him into the woman's apartment, sitting down on the couch together while she silently wandered into the kitchen.
Pierre leaned into David, who looked up into his boyfriend's eyes. They were sitting in the same way they'd been standing, for David wantted nothing in this world more than to never leave Pierre's arms. "Maggie's been kind of my friend since I moved in. I used to come around at least once or twice a week but I've only talked to her once since I met you, and it was the night you ran off." Pierre explained. It made sense now that Pierre would accept coming in without even asking him. And it really didn't matter. He was happy to come talk to Pierre's friend... even if it was a middle aged woman.
Maggie emerged from the kitchen with two mugs, and set them down in front of him and Pierre. His had tea, and Pierre's had hot chocolate.
"You like tea, right David?" Maggie asked confidently, but skeptically.
"Yeah I do, thanks." David replied, and Maggie became calmer and leaned back in the armchair in front of, and to the left, of the couch, facing David and Pierre.
"So David, are you living with Pierre now?" She asked. It didn't sound rude or judgmental, she was just curious. And David knew that.
"Um, yeah... I moved in about eight months ago, not long after we started dating." He replied. And for the first time, it hit him how long he and Pierre had been together. It felt like just yesterday when he walked into that classroom and sat down next to the cute guy who he thought would make fun of him. Even the school year seemed to fly by. Everything was just better with Pierre.
"Oh that's sweet." Maggie said smiling. "How do your parents feel about that?" She asked, her brow creasing curiously. David looked down into his mug, unsure what to say.
Pierre knew David wouldn't want to talk about this, especially with a woman he'd just met. He looked at Maggie when he was sure David wasn't looking and shook his head frantically with wide eyes and mouthed the words "explain later." She looked worried but understanding and quickly changed the subject. They didn't stay extensively long, about an hour or so, before they were walking back into the apartment and going into the kitchen where Pierre sat at the table to talk to David while he started the dinner he'd insisted on cooking.
"So... that was a pretty good day... Maggie's nice..." David said. Pierre wanted to believe he was just making small talk but something in his voice gave him away. David was building up to something.
"Yeah... she is..." He said, not contributing anything more to the conversation in order to give his boyfriend the chance to say what he wanted to say. David slowly turned around with an empty frying pan in his hand and Pierre was afraid it might be something more serious than he thought. David looked down, then into Pierre's eyes, putting the pan down and leaning against the counter.
Then, "You miss Sebastien, don't you?" he said suddenly. Something jolted to life inside Pierre and his heart started racing.
"Wh-what do you m-mean?" He asked, stuttering trying to find the right words to make David believe that wasn't the truth... even though it was. David's eyes filled with not hurt, or anger, or sadness, but pity for Pierre, and he sat down in the chair across from him.
"Pierre, you don't have to pretend. I know you miss him. You've been friends for fourteen years, of course you would miss him. And when you guys got in that fight the other day, I could tell he felt bad, and I think he misses you too. I think you should talk to him, and as long as he apoligizes, I'm sure I can get used to having him around." David said, reasoning with Pierre. Pierre's mind was like a tornado. He missed his friendship with Seb, but he didn't in any way want to jepordize his relationship with David. And could he and Seb really be friends again after everything that had happened in the last eight months?
"David..." He started, trying to find the right words. "This is your apartment too... and I don't want you to feel uncomfortable in any way, so I-" Pierre started.
"Pierre." David cut him off. "I love you. More than anything in this world. And I know you miss your friend, and I think maybe he could be a cool guy... I just want you to be happy. Call him." David said, and suddenly, dinner didn't matter so much anymore. David made his way around the table and sat in Pierre's lap and Pierre smiled down at him. "Thank you." He said, and David just reached into Pierre's pocket, and handed him his phone. And Pierre called Seb.