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Comments 6

aprilvalentine December 19 2012, 14:15:30 UTC
Oh... I want to cry. Lovely story, thanks for posting.


hotch_fan December 24 2012, 05:22:20 UTC
Thank youfor reading! I'm glad you liked it. Finch's one is up, I hope you'll check it out and like too :D


faith_manages03 December 19 2012, 23:42:07 UTC
Oh, John, do you yet still not understand your partner? The federal and state prision systems are run by computers, and Harold owns computers. As soon as he figures out how to make it happen, he's coming after you, digital trail to his door or not.

I can very much imagine John contemplating suicide but deciding against it again.


hotch_fan December 24 2012, 05:26:18 UTC
I know, right? He still doesn't understand how far Finch would go for him. Let's hope he does after Finch gets him out of jail in the most clever and badass way possible :P

*relieved sigh* Thank you! That tiny bit made me doubt for a moment but I could see it happening and I'm glad you did too!


latemorningicon December 20 2012, 03:08:09 UTC
that was really lovely and completely in character <3


hotch_fan December 24 2012, 05:27:31 UTC
Thank you so much! Finch's one is up now too, in case you want to check it :)


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