1. Sleep with or without clothes on? it really depends.. but if its hot I tend to sleep in a sports bra and cheer shorts.. so usually not naked
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No pants party + Alcohol + The theatre division= A sloppy, drunken, horny mess which means.. A GREAT PARTY! hahaha. It was interesting to watch everyone last night. Some good, awkward times- just like I like them
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I've been updating a lot lately but no one comments so I'm assuming no one reads this. Whatever.. I just liking writing in it bc it makes me feel better
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Alice is over.. it was a good run and I had a lot of fun and truely will miss all the seniors BUT i am wicked glad its over! Now I have my nights free.. weeeeee
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my show opens in 5 days. I'm nervous. I'm nervous about what people are going to think of me. I think I'm doing a good job but this is also very different from anything I've ever done. I dunno.. i hope everyone in the cast has a lot of fun with it and that we do a kickass job every performance. I'm sure we will. We have all been sick/tired
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