I am enraged today. Listen up.
(I will be voting, and I have never planned not to vote.)
* Stop telling us that it's a democracy. It's not. It's mainly a bunch of old people not listening to our opinions, and trying to take away our rights, and civil liberties.
* Stop telling it's our right and duty vote and then doing things like
this. If we can't be free to chose, why the hell should we bother to vote?
* Uneducated voters suck ASS.
* Putting some pop star on MTV and having them tell people to vote is one of the worst things you can do. If they even bother, that makes a bunch of kids go flying to the polls and voting for a candidate they know nothing of, in a system that they know nothing about. Civics and American Government can only teach you so much, assuming you even passed the class.
* If I hear one more person say that a vote for somebody that isn't a Democrat or Republican is a wasted vote, Lord help them if I can get close enough, because I will fucking hit them.
* Stop voting for "the other guy" because you don't want whoever to win. I keep hearing "Oh well I don't like either of them, but I like Bush less so I'm voting for Kerry." Or the opposite. THERE ARE OTHER PEOPLE TO VOTE FOR! You don't HAVE to vote for either of them! (Unless of course you live in places like Ohio... let me just throw
this in there again.)
* Again, stop voting for the other guy because you're afraid that the other will win. It's because you're all fucking sheep and you think like this that other parties never get a chance. You'd be surprised how many other people think like you do. In the past three days I've asked 20 people that I knew were regestered to vote about who they were voting for. 11 out of the 20 people I asked said they'd rather vote for Nader, but they "knew" he didn't have a chance. 3 more said they are going to vote for Nader, and the other 6 said they liked either Bush or Kerry better.
Look at those numbers! If everybody voted the way they wanted to vote, with no worries of who they didn't like winning, Kerry and Bush would be shit out of luck. I know 20 isn't a lot of people to go off of, but still, that's a big difference there. Even with the margin of error, that's still a lot of people who would vote for Nader.... Let me rephrase that; that's still a lot of people who wouldn't vote for Kerry or Bush.
Anywho, I think I'm done letting off steam for now. I will of course be back with more angered comments some other time. Untill then, educate yourself, and vote for who you want to be president, not for who you don't really like but like more than the other guy.