(no subject)

Aug 10, 2004 18:41

what is your full name - Jillian Rose
spell your first name backwards - Naillij
date of birth - 8/8/90
male or female - female
astrological sign - Leo, hear me roar.  Roar.
nicknames - woah.
occupation - almighty ruler of the geekdom that far surpasses all other geekdoms.
height - 5’6
hair color - blonde
eye color - Blue
where were you born - NY
where do you reside now - Upstate NY
age - 14
screen names - x kill jill
e-mail addy - jvar808@hotmail.com
what does your screen name stand for - nothing.  Well, Its kind of from robin's graffiti, kind of from Kill Bill, annd the x is there because kill jill was taken.
pets - Cat-Rex, Kitten-Eddie, Rabbit-Pumpkin, Turtle-Own, Gerbil-Gweneviere, And my other gerbil lance died on saturday.
piercings - ears
tattoos - no real, but I got a henna tatoo and it kicks ass all the way.
shoe size - 8/9
righty or lefty - righty
wearing - a shirt that says "Seneca Park Zoo Member 2001" and has a parrot on it.  I have no idea where I got it, and some crappy black shorts. 
hearing - uh.. nothing?
feeling - happy
eating/drinking - the essence of spray paint, because i was painting.

Have You Ever...
{x} Fallen for your best friend? No
{x} Made out with JUST a friend? No
{x} Been rejected? Yes
{x} Been in love? No
{x} Been in lust? Yes
{x} Used someone? Well, No
{x} Cheated on someone? No
{x} Been cheated on? Not that I know of.
{x} Done something you regret? Yes and no.. long story.

Who was the last person...
{x} You touched? eddie
{x} You talked to? mom
{x} You hugged? mom
{x} You instant messaged? sarah
{x} You yelled at? brother

Have you/are you/do you....
{x} Considered a life of crime? Yes.  Always after watching movies like Oceans 11, it sounds like a hellova life.
{x} Considered being a hooker? NO.  Period, the end.
{x} Considered being a pimp? uh, no.
{x} Split personalities? I dont think so.
{x} Obsessive? Yes.
{x} Obsessive compulsive? I think maybe the teeniest little bit.
{x} Panic? no
{x} Anxiety? No
{x} Depressed? No
{x} Suicidal? no
{x} Obsessed with hate? I like to hate.  i"m not obsessed
{x} Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore? No, but i did have a dream my dad turned into a dog and i had to save him, and this little weener dog, and a poodle, and myself from a man in a white gorilla suit.
{x} Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? No.
{x} Understanding: I think so sortof.
{x} Open-minded: Yeah
{x} Arrogant: Yes.
{x} Insecure: Well, duh.
{x} Interesting: To myself I am.  I'm not sure about other people.
{x} Hungry: nope not now.
{x} Friendly: yes.  unless people are bitches.
{x} Smart: Yes.  Not to be arrogant, which I am.
{x} Moody: sometimes
{x} Childish: I hate that.  I dont mind acting stupid but immaturity bugs the hell out of me.
{x} Independent: Yes.
{x} Hard working: When I need to be, but I"m a slacker.
{x} Organized: uh.
{x} Healthy: yes.
{x} Emotionally Stable: I think so.  Unless I'm not.
{x} Shy: no
{x} Difficult: Yes.
{x} Attractive: Jillian's generally are sexy vivacious blondes says some website.
{x} Bored Easily: Uh, I kind of entertain myself with stupid antics.
{x} Thirsty: YES.
{x} Responsible: Yes unless I get a chance to be stupid.
{x} Sad: sometimes.
{x} Happy: Right now I am.
{x} Talkative: YES.
{x} Original: Yes, sorta.
{x} Different: yes
{x} Unique: yes.
{x} Lonely: yes
{x} Color your hair? I'm going to dye it reddish-brown sometime.
{x} Have a girlfriend? No
{x} Own a webcam? No
{x} Ever get off the damn computer? Yes.
{x} Sprechen sie deutsche? Nein.
{x} Habla espanol? Ah.. Si, un poco.  que yo aprendo en la escuela de todos modos

{x} Current Mood: squinty.
{x} Current Taste: spraypaint
{x} Current Hair: gross.
{x} Current Annoyance: squinting.
{x} Current Smell: Spraypaint
{x} Current thing you ought to be doing: running
{x} Current Desktop Picture: kristinas bass because the picture rocks.

{x} Current Favorite Group: Brand New or TBS or Pavement
{x} Current DVD In Player: Some madonna cd my cousin burned
{x} Current Refreshment: Saliva.
{x} Current Favorite Celebrity: Johnny Depp.  Because I'm a stupid follower as well as a daughter of a bitch.

{x} Food: Pineapple
{x} Drink: pina coladas
{x} Color: dark red, certain shades of green.  And dark purple
{x} Shoes: my light blue roxy flip flops
{x} Candy: why chocolate of course
{x} TV Show: The Simpsons
{x} Movie: Ok.  Zoolander, Catch Me If You Can (And Actually, sabrinas the ONLY other person I know that likes it.) the princess bride cause its cheesy as hell, or the moon.  and pirates of the caribbean and edward scissorhands.
{x} Vegetables: Potatoes. 
{x} Fruit: Pineapple

On preferences....
{x} Chocolate milk or hot chocolate? Chocolate milk.
{x} Marry the perfect lover or the perfect friend? perfect friend
{x} Sweet or sour? sweet and sour sauce.  I dont see how it can be both.
{x} Root Beer or Dr. Pepper? Dr Pepper
{x} Sappy/action/comedy/horror? romantic comedies.
{x} Cats or dogs? cats
{x} Ocean or Pool? OCEAN I WANNA BE A MERMAID.
{x} Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese? Nacho Cheese
{x} Mud or Jell-O wrestling? Idont know.
{x} With or without ice-cubes? With.  It makes the drink prettier.
{x} Shine or rain? Both.
{x} Winter/Summer/Fall/Spring? I think Summer first, Spring and fall second and winter last.   But its very close i love them all.
{x} Vanilla or Chocolate? Chocolate
{x} Eyes open or closed? open.  oh crap i just got the hiccups.
{x} Fly or breathe under water? THIS IS SUCH A TOUGH ONE.  Seriously.  Well, I guess fly because I could always get an oxygen tank underwater.
{x} Bunk-bed or waterbed? Water bed
{x} Chewing gum or hard candy? gum
{x} Motor boat or sailboat? Sailboats.  They are amazing, and I love sailing so so so much.  Thank you camp.  Sailing on a sun fish with Lauren is the most fun.  But on a catameran (spelling is so wrong i know)  in the bay is awesome too.
{x} Lights on or off? on.
{x} Chicken or fish? Chicken

What's your favorite:.
{x} Number? 8
{x} Holiday? 4th of July.  And not because I'm patriotic.
{x} Place? Virginia Beach or Seattle
{x} Scent? I dont know.
{x} If you could be anywhere, where would you be? New Zealand.
{x} What would you be doing? Talking to people and swimming and having a great time.
{x} What are you listening to? the dehumidifier.
{x} Do you have a favorite animal, no matter how lame it may be? Foxes, cats (all kinds), tigers especially, owls.  And Giraffes.

Those are the dumbest answers I have ever answered.  If it were a test I'd fail.
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