(no subject)

Aug 23, 2004 23:36

01. Name: Jill
02. Single or taken: Single.
03. Sex: la niña
04. Birthday: August 8th
05. Sign: Leo.  Hear me roar.
06. Siblings: Darren. And Lauren my half-sister.
07. Hair color: blonde
08. Eye color: blue
09. Height: 5'6, or so says the physical.

F a s h i o n | s t u f f

01. Where is your favorite place to shop: Pac Sun or Marshalls.  Or Price Chopper.
02. Any tattoos or piercings: Pierced Ears.

S p e c i f i c s

01. Do you do drugs?: No.
02. What kind of shampoo do you use?: Garnier Fructis, IC, Ion, and Biolage.  I switch a lot because I go on shampoo buying sprees and use a different one every day.
03. What are you most scared of?: I'm not really sure.  Actually, I'm afraid of not being sure.
04. What are you listening to right now? The Olympics
05. Who is the last person that called you?: my mom.
06. Where do you want to get married?: Hm.  Lets get me a boyfriend first.
07. How many buddies are online right now?: 148/195.. most are away.

F a v o r i t e s

01. Color: Hm.  Dark Red I guess.  but I like all of them.
02. Food: Pineapple, Chicken Salad, Mashed Potatoes.
03. Boys names: Adam and Marcus
04. Girls names: Gwen, Anne.. I like one sylable names shuddup.
05. Subjects in school: English, Science, Social Studies, Art.
06. Animals: Tigers.  And cats in general.

H a v e | y o u | e v e r

01. Given anyone a bath?: Um. No.
02. Smoked?: No it's a disgusting habit.
03. Bungee jumped?: Yes.
04. Made yourself throw up?: No.
05. Skinny dipped?: Yes.  Apparently I was a wannabe nudist growing up.
06: Ever been in love?: No.
07. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: Yes.  :]
08. Pictured your crush naked?: I dont have a crush right now.  You love my elusion of the question right?
09. Actually seen your crush naked?: No.  Again, dont have a crush.
10. Cried when someone died?: Yes.
11. Lied: Of course.
12. Fallen for your best friend?: No.
13. Been rejected?: Pssh.  Duh.
14. Rejected someone?: Yes.
15. Used someone?: No..
16. Done something you regret?: Yes and no, because I guess none of it really matters in the long run.  You're going to die anyways, which is my current morbid outlook on life.

C u r r e n t

01. Clothes: Black running shorts and the t-shirt from soccer camp.
02. Music: Nothing.  The TV
03. Make-up: Some mascara left over from earlier today.
04. Annoyance: My nose itches a lot.
05. Smell: I dont know, my nose itches too much to smell out of it.  Damnit I'm not that good of a multitasker.
06. Desktop picture: Really contrasted rose of sharon bush in my backyard.
07. Book you're reading: The History Of The World.  Yep, you read correctly, I, Jillian Varner, am reading a non-fiction book.
08. Cd in player: Frank Sinatra Live-Personality
09. Dvd in player: home video converted

L a s t | p e r s o n

01. You touched: Mom.
02. Hugged: Mom.
03. You imed: Jess or Sarah, its a tie.
04. You yelled at: Darren.
05. You kissed: My cat.

A r e | y o u

01. Understanding: I guess so, when I feel like caring about other people.
02. Open-minded: Sure.
03. Arrogant: Yes.  About half the time, and the rest I'm completely insecure.
04. Insecure: See number 3
05. Interesting: Am I?
06. Random: I'm told so.  But I dont realize it most of the time.
07. Hungry: Not right now.
08. Smart:  So says the report card.
09. Moody: I used to think I was moody.  And then I realized I was in a bad mood for so long, its not that I'm moody, I just have a sucky personality.
11. Organized: When it counts.
12. Shy: No.  If I was more shy I'd probably have more friends.
13. Difficult: Yes.
14. Attractive: I'm happy with myself and I've accepted the fact that I wont ever be super-model beautiful.
15. Bored easily: Yes.  But then I come up with random ways to entertain myself.
16. Responsible: Sort of.  I'm more responsible about some things than others.
17. Obsessed: No.  I mean, yes, but not about people, just things.
18. Angry: Not currently.
19. Sad: Not currently.
20. Happy: I guess so.. Sorta Blah.
21. Hyper: A lot of the time.  But not hyper, just myself.
22. Trusting: No.
23. Legal?: No.

W h o | d o | y o u | w a n t | to

Kill?: No one.
Slap: ahahahahha some bimbo.
Get really wasted with? I agree with jess.  Her and Kris.  Because we are totally dumb together already.  But I dont really wanna get wasted because it ends up sucking.
Get high with: no one
Talk to offline: Kris, Jess, and Mandy. 
Talk to online: No one I'm too tired to engage in conversation.
Sex it up with: Doug.  Who's hot as raging sex.
R a n d o m

01. In the morning i am: It depends.  If I'm forced to wake up then mean.  If I wake up on my own, cheerful.  And I usually have puffy eyes.
02. All you need is: Friends because you can bum the rest of them.
04. I dream about: Woah.  If you want to know, ask.  I highly doubt you want to know.
Sexual preference: guys

W h i c h | i s | b e t t e r

01. Coke or pepsi: Pepsi
02. Flowers or candy: Flowers
03. Tall or short: Tall

O p p o s i t e | s e x

01. What do you notice first: Hm.  It depends I guess.
02. Makes you laugh the most: I dont know, I like random, quick humor.  So I cant explain it.
03. Makes you smile: being with people I love
04. Gives you a funny feeling when you see him/her: Hm.  No one I guess.
05. Who do you have a crush on: No one.  This is pathetic, I mean arent all 14-yr-old girls supposed to obsess over someone.

D o | y o u | e v e r

01. Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?: No.  I just sit on the internet.  When I cant sleep.
02. Save conversations: Not anymore.  But kristina, if you are reading this, I have a convrsation we had about kilts and your grandfathers hats saved.
03. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: No. But periods sure do suck.
04. Wish you were younger: I guess not.  I like maturity.  Or what I have of it.
05. Cried because someone said something to you?: Yes.

N u m b e r

01. Of times I have had my heart broken: None but OH MY GOD MY NOSE ITCHES SO BAD.
02. Of hearts I have broken: Dont know.
03. Of guys ive kissed: Yeah.  Counting is weird.
04. Of girls ive kissed: none. unless you count family members.
05. Of cds i own: yep a lot.
06. Of scars on my body: Oh god a bazillion.  And I'm gonna have one from the massive scrape on my leg.
07. Of things that i regret: I thought this was already asked.

Y o u r | t h o u g h t s

01. I know: Useless crap.
02. I want: to go to the Great Escape with Kristina and Jess if she goes..  Right now.
03. I have: an itching right nostril
04. I wish: That right nostril would stop being stupid.
05. I hate: My fingernails.
06. I fear: Not being sure of someething.
07. I hear: The tv
08. I search: for nothing?
10. I love: the catskill game farm.

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