Checking in?
Roleplay Canon:
Player Name: your name, what we will be calling you
Player Journal: your LJ, MUST be older than three month, and have proof of activity.
Email: An active email address to contact you
AIM/MSN/YIM: Prefered if you have an AIM handle.
Timezone: Central/easter/pacific/etc?
Name: Full name. First "alias" last.
Series/Fandom: Self explanatory.
Previous RP Game: Only if applying for a character you used to have at another RP.
Gender: Self explanatory.
Age: Approximate if you don't know
Species: Human, ghost, demon, cat person, etc.
Sexuality: Heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual, or asexual.
Representative Character: Only if necessary. Must be Mod approved, which would be a good idea to get done before you write the application.
Canon History: Must be at least 4 well structured paragraphs long.
Roleplay History: Can be in either Paragraph or outline form. If it is possible, add in as many details about their background there as possible.
Post-RP canon: Optional
Personality: Must be at least 5 sentences, one paragraph.
Appearance: Must be at least 5 sentences, one paragraph.
Strengths: You may list these or write them out in paragraph form. I'd like at least four.
Weaknesses: You may list these or write them out in paragraph form. I'd like at least four.
Weapons + Skills: List any that you can think of.
Journal Entry: Must be at least 8 sentences. Screened entries are okay, but there must be a small portion with at least 3 sentences that are unscreened.
Role-playing: Must be at least 250 words. No exceptions.
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ReversesCollide Checking in?
Original Canon:
Player Name: your name, what we will be calling you
Player Journal: your LJ, MUST be older than three month, and have proof of activity.
Email: An active email address to contact you
AIM/MSN/YIM: Prefered if you have an AIM handle.
Timezone: Central/easter/pacific/etc?
Name: Full name. First "alias" last.
Series/Fandom: Self explanatory.
Gender: Self explanatory.
Age: Approximate if you don't know
Species: Human, ghost, demon, cat person, etc.
Sexuality: Heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual, or asexual.
Representative Character: Only if necessary. Must be Mod approved, which would be a good idea to get done before you write the application.
Canon History: Must be at least 4 well structured paragraphs long.
Personality: Must be at least 5 sentences, one paragraph.
Appearance: Must be at least 5 sentences, one paragraph.
Strengths: You may list these or write them out in paragraph form. I'd like at least four.
Weaknesses: You may list these or write them out in paragraph form. I'd like at least four.
Weapons + Skills: List any that you can think of.
Journal Entry: Must be at least 8 sentences. Screened entries are okay, but there must be a small portion with at least 3 sentences that are unscreened.
Role-playing: Must be at least 250 words. No exceptions.
Navigation Layout profile code thanks to
ReversesCollide Checking in?
Alternate Canon:
Player Name: your name, what we will be calling you
Player Journal: your LJ, MUST be older than three month, and have proof of activity.
Email: An active email address to contact you
AIM/MSN/YIM: Prefered if you have an AIM handle.
Timezone: Central/easter/pacific/etc?
Name: Full name. First "alias" last.
Series/Fandom: Self explanatory.
Gender: Self explanatory.
Age: Approximate if you don't know
Species: Human, ghost, demon, cat person, etc.
Sexuality: Heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual, or asexual.
Representative Character: Only if necessary. Must be Mod approved, which would be a good idea to get done before you write the application.
Canon History: Must be at least 3 well structured paragraphs long.
Alternate History: Must be at least 3 well structured paragraphs long.
Personality: Must be at least 5 sentences, one paragraph.
Appearance: Must be at least 5 sentences, one paragraph.
Strengths: You may list these or write them out in paragraph form. I'd like at least four.
Weaknesses: You may list these or write them out in paragraph form. I'd like at least four.
Weapons + Skills: List any that you can think of.
Journal Entry: Must be at least 8 sentences. Screened entries are okay, but there must be a small portion with at least 3 sentences that are unscreened.
Role-playing: Must be at least 250 words. No exceptions.
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