Title: You know that place between sleep and awake, the place where you can still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you.
hotfruitsRating: PG
Pairing: DaiRyu
Disclaimer: No
Summary: There were some things though that Ryutaro has both no control and total control over: Love.
Written for
rorychan, it's not the exact prompt but I hope you still enjoy it!
In his fifteen years of life, Ryutaro has come to learn that there are some things you cannot control; like when his parents brought home his baby brother and sister, giving him an important responsibility he wasn’t sure he could handle. Or when he got thrown into a group with nine other teenage boys, struggling to find his place amongst them.
So yes, Ryutaro has learn to accept that life will sometimes do what it wants, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t control some aspects of it, like whether he should beat up Shintaro for borrowing his mangas without asking, or if he should catch a movie with Chinen or go have lunch with Yuto.
There were some things though that Ryutaro has both no control and total control over: Love.
He couldn’t choose who he fell in love with, especially when his heart beats so strongly and the butterflies swarm in his belly, but he could choose whether or not to act on that love, by using his brain. For example, his heart often tells him these days that Daiki is the one for him, because of the way he smiles when Ryutaro walks into the room, the way he treats him so kindly even though he’s somewhat of a jerk to the older boy, and the way he kisses that makes his eyes flutter shut and his palms sweat.
He loves Daiki, but sometimes feelings aren’t enough. Ryutaro has to use his brain and recognize that his career is more important than his relationship with Daiki, because he wants to go places in this world, and he can’t do that with love holding him down. He also needs to remember that Daiki will be twenty in a little over a year, and he doesn’t want him to face the consequences of dating a then sixteen year old minor.
It’s complicated, Ryutaro realizes, because he loves Daiki so much and there are times when he just wants the world to stop so he can be with him, and love him without trouble, but he can’t control something like that. The world keeps turning, and with every passing day, hour, minute and second, Ryutaro finds himself stepping farther and farther away from love.