Title: The Most Epic Bedtime Story Ever Told
hotfruitsPrompt: 24. Rapture at
30emotionsDisclaimer: Nope
Characters: HSJ. Keito/Takaki
Rating: PG (one swear word)
Summary: The handsome prince Yuya lived in the Kingdom of Tokyo, with his father King Yabu and his three older brothers who hated him, Hikaru, Daiki and Yuri. One day, his brothers team up to get Yuya out of their lives, so they enlist the help of the wicked witch Kei and her son, Ryutaro.
Once upon a time, in a magical Kingdom called Tokyo, lived a young prince by the name of…
“Yuya!” Takaki shouted, smiling in victory as the others groaned, wanting to be the prince.
Okay sure, Yuya. Anyways, Prince Yuya was very handsome, and although he had three older brothers, he was the King’s favoritest son, because he had such a lovely voice and very stylish hair.
“I’m way better looking than him!” Hikaru yelled indignantly, pointing at the smug Takaki, who was proudly running his fingers through his gorgeous hair.
Stop interrupting me, damnit!
Everyone fell silent, closing their mouths tight.
Thank you. Prince Yuya’s older brothers Hikaru, Daiki and Yuri really hated him, because he was so loved by their father Yabu, and was very spoiled. Even though Hikaru was the oldest, and the one who would become King after their father died, he still hated his brother because he was so handsome and had such lovely hair.
Daiki, the second oldest son, hated Yuya because he was so tall, and never got carded going into adult movies like Daiki did.
“You’re an asshole,” Daiki glared, shaking his head while everyone laughed.
And last, Yuri, hated his little brother because he wouldn’t let him sit on his lap, but would let their lowly servants Ryosuke and Yuto sit on his lap all the time, and shared with them his beauty secrets.
One evening, the three brothers got together and decided it was time to get rid of Yuya, so they devised an evil plot, and called upon the wicked witch that lived in the mountains. The evil Kei was more than happy to help the disgruntled brothers, so while Yuya was taking his afternoon stroll through the park…wait, what the hell? No objections?
“It’s not surprising that Inoo would be casted as the evil character,” Yuto said, glancing over at Inoo who just shrugged, “Or as a woman.”
Oh, cool. So, Prince Yuya was taking his afternoon stroll through the gardens when he saw a handsome boy playing in the lake. Yuya had never seen this boy before, which surprised him because he knew everyone in the kingdom. Walking towards the lake, he called out to the boy, “You there, what’s your name? I really like your shorts, where did you get them?”
The young boy looked up and smiled at Yuya, responding, “I am Ryutaro, and I got these shorts from a store just beyond the mountains. If you’d like, I could take you there!”
“Splendid!” Yuya smiled and once Ryutaro had dried off and put on his shoes, the two began walking down a path Yuya never knew existed, a path that was kind of scary but he didn’t want to look like a sissy in front of his new friend, so he tried his best to ignore the scary trees and the woodland critters that were glaring at him.
“By the way,” Ryutaro spoke up, breaking the eerie silence, “By the time we reach the store, it will be dark and this path is dangerous at night. I wouldn’t want you to get hurt, so you can spend the night at my home!”
“Wonderful, I’m sure we’ll have lots of fun.” Yuya patted Ryutaro on the back-
“I’m hungry,” Daiki yawned, but was quickly silenced as everyone threw their pillows at him, shouting, “SHUT UP!”
Wow, alright then. After a long walk, the two reached the store beyond the mountains. On the outside the store looked really creepy, and Yuya was afraid to go in, but another glance at Ryutaro’s amazingly cool shorts, he quickly decided and together, the two entered the store.
“Is this heaven?” Yuya asked Ryutaro, who laughed as he told the other, “Nah, this store is called Johnny’s. This is the only location but the owner, my mother Kei, is hoping to open more locations, like in Tokyo.”
“Really?” Yuya looked away from a pair of purple jeans he was admiring, “I’ve got influence in Tokyo, I could totally help her out.”
“Awesome!” Ryutaro shouted, running out of the room and coming back with the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, her skin a gorgeous milky white, her black hair falling in cute curls to her shoulders. If Takaki wasn’t supposed to marry that chick Hasshi from Osaka, he would totally ask his father if he could marry this woman, who he assumed was Ryutaro’s mother by the way she was cuddling him.
“WIN!” Inoo jumped up, doing a little dance.
“Why are you dancing?” Yamada asked, joining in the laughter, “He just called you beautiful and stuff.”
Inoo stopped, blushing as he sat back down and coughed, “Better than being Hikaru in this story.”
“Hey!” Hikaru yelled, tackling Inoo to the ground.
You guys are ridiculous. Anyways, Yuya couldn’t take his eyes off of the beautiful woman, who smiled sweetly at him and said, “So, you’re Ryutaro’s new friend? How lovely, ever since we sold Ryutaro’s brother to a young gay couple, he’s been a little lonely.”
Ryutaro fell over, cracking up as he choked out, “Thank you, thank you, oh my fucking God, thank you!”
“No swearing,” Yabu scolded Ryutaro, “And be a better brother, you jerk.”
Sorry Yabu, my fault. After explaining why exactly she sold her youngest son, Kei noticed that Yuya just didn’t have a gorgeous face, he also had a wicked body. “You know, I have an outfit I think would look amazing on you. Come with me?”
Yuya followed Kei and Ryutaro into the back room, eager to see this outfit and when he saw it, the outfit was almost more beautiful than the lovely woman who designed it. Grabbing the demin jeans and black silk shirt from Kei’s arms, Ryutaro showed Yuya where the dressing room was and the prince quickly ran in and closed the door, changing into the outfit. What he didn’t know though was that that outfit was cursed, and as soon as he zipped the jeans and buttoned the last button on his shirt, Yuya fainted, and like Sleeping Beauty and Snow White, he fell into a long, deep sleep.
“Oh no!” Takaki screamed, grabbing Chinen by the shoulders and shaking him, “Who is gonna save me, Chii? Princes don’t get save, only princesses!”
Just wait, idiot. Okay…weeks passed by and the Kingdom of Tokyo was in a state of frenzy, trying to find the beloved prince. Especially King Yabu, who was practically going gray from the stress of wondering where his son went. His other sons tried to console him but it was of no use, and before long, the King fell ill, restricted to his bed.
Hikaru, Daiki and Yuri began to feel guilty over what they had done, and so they called upon the strongest knight the kingdom had to offer, a young British fellow by the name of Keito. Along with his best friends, the servants Ryosuke and Yuto, Keito met with the brothers and was given his mission.
“We believe our little brother was captured by that wicked witch Kei, who lives between the mountains. She has a store in that area too, a place called Johnny’s that sells fashionable clothes at a decent price,” Hikaru cleared his throat, trying to hide the label on his scarf, “Your mission, Sir Keito, is to retrieve our little brother.”
“Understood.” Keito bowed, before excusing himself, Ryosuke and Yuto following quickly behind him.
“Do you think that witch Kei will rat us out?” Yuri asked, fearful but Daiki shook his head, “Don’t worry, if she wants her store to open in Tokyo, she’ll keep her mouth shut.”
“Yay, we’re more than just servants!” Yuto cheered, hugging Yamada, “And we’re gonna save the prince, I am so excited.”
After taking the creepy path through the woods, the trio found themselves outside of Johnny’s, the open sign illuminated, with a sign under that that said, No shirts, no swords, no service.
“Damn,” Keito cursed, taking his sword and placing it inside of his guitar case, “Alright men, let’s go!”
Entering the crowded store, the trio could see many important people shopping about. Like King Ryo, from the Kingdom of Osaka, with his beautiful wife Tatsuya and his charming daughter Hasshi. The royal Osakan jester was also with the group, Shige they call him, trying on a stylish pair of boots.
“Excuse me,” Keito walked up to the young boy at the cash register, glancing at his name tag, “Ryutaro, hello. My name is Keito and I come from Tokyo, and would like to speak to the store manager about opening up a store in our kingdom.”
“Awesome!” Ryutaro smiled, talking as he rang up Prince Jin’s purchases, “Go ahead into the back room, my mother Kei will be back there, she’s the manager.”
After thanking Ryutaro, the trio went into the back room where they saw the beautiful Kei folding clothes, singing an enchanting song to herself. Looking behind him and seeing Ryosuke and Yuto in a daze, swaying gently to the music, he quickly realized it was a spell. Dropping his guitar case to the ground, Keito pulled out his sword and faced Kei, who was now looking at him with a bemused smile.
“Sir Keito, from England, correct?” Kei asked, ignoring the sword that was now pressing into her chest, “You must be very intelligent to not fall under the spell of my song.”
“Give me Prince Yuya and we won’t have a problem.” Keito threatened, starring the wicked witch in the eye. Receiving only silence in return, Keito swung his sword back in order to kill the witch, but she was fast and ducked from the attack, swinging her leg out and knocking Keito off of his feet, causing him to fall and drop his sword.
“You can’t defeat me,” Kei cackled, grabbing Keito’s sword and holding it to his throat, “I’m a wicked witch and you’re simply a knight from England. So, any last words before I kill you?”
“Just one,” Keito gulped, “That shirt you were folding earlier, does it come in a medium?”
“I don’t know,” Kei muttered, walking over to the table she had been using before but was stopped short when she felt a cold splash hit her neck, soaking her t-shirt. Turning around, she glared at Keito as she said, “You do realize that’s a myth right, witches don’t really melt.”
“Duh,” Keito smirked, “But they do provide for some distraction.”
“What-” Kei was interrupted though when Keito’s guitar came flying at her face, and when the guitar hit her, she fell to the ground, out cold, Keito’s sword falling next to her with a clatter.
“Now, I need to find Prince Yuya,” Keito looked around the room, seeing the various dressing room doors and the hanger racks filled with clothes. However, one thing stood out in this room, a door with a sign taped to it that said, “Enter this room and die.”
Entering the room-
“But what if Keito dies, like the note said?” Ryutaro asked, shoving a sleepy Daiki off of his shoulder, “That’d be bad!”
“Ryu-chan,” Daiki pouted, rubbing his tired eyes, “Let me sleep on you, or better yet, hurry up with the story so I can go back to my hotel room and sleep.”
“Speak for yourself, midgit,” Hikaru chuckled, “This story is getting too good, I don’t want it to ever stop.
Everyone besides Daiki agreed with Hikaru, praising the story teller’s awesome story telling ways.
Thanks guys, but I’m getting sleepy too, so the story will be over soon. Okay, so he enters the room and upon a bed of fluffy socks lay the handsome Prince Yuya. Approaching the prince, Keito gently caressed his cheek and with a smile, kissed the lovely prince upon his lips.
To his surprise though, nothing happened. So, Keito kissed him again, and again, kissed him a dozen of times but still, nothing happened.
“That’s worked in the past,” Keito scratched his head, confused, “Maybe it’s- oh, a spider!” Keito saw a small spider entering Yuya’s shirt, and remembering the rumors of the prince being deathly afraid of them, he quickly unbuttoned his shirt and slipped his hand inside, grabbing the spider and squishing it between his fingers.
Suddenly, Keito heard a quiet groan and removed his hand from inside the princes’ shirt, stepping back as he wondered where the groan came from. His question was soon answered though, when the handsome prince opened his eyes and stretched, yawning loudly as he sat up and looked over at Keito.
“Hello there,” Yuya smiled, jumping down from the bed of socks, “I’m Yuya, and you are?”
“Sir Keito, your brothers sent me to come rescue you, and it seems you’ve been under a spell for the past few weeks, brought on by these cursed clothes,” Keito grabbed the princes’ hand, “Come with me ma’lord, and I’ll take you home.”
“Actually,” Yuya smiled shyly, “Ya know, I wasn’t that unconscious earlier,” Yuya paused, pinning Keito against the wall, “And I could feel your kisses but I couldn’t respond. Maybe we can try again?”
Before Keito could respond, his lips became happily occupied with the princes’, and once they returned to the castle, they lived happily ever after.
The End.
Everyone stood up and applauded, cheering as Keito blushed, waving off their compliments and saying, “It’s a British thing.”
“Well, it was awesome none-the-less,” Yabu smiled, “Now, time for bed!” he commanded, and everyone began filing out of Keito’s hotel room, except for Takaki, who lingered in the background til everyone was gone.
“So, the knight got the prince in the end, eh?” Takaki smirked, locking the door and walking over towards Keito, who gulped nervously til Takaki pounced on him, and they too lived happily ever after.
The End