Title: A Cure For Loneliness (or 5 times Chinen felt lonely and went near Yuto)
hotfruitsCharacters: YutoChii. HSJ. Yuma+Shadow Boys cameo
Rating: PG (because of Takaki)
Disclaimer: Nope. Written for the
YutoChii fic-a-thonSummary: Title says all, really.
When Chinen approached their usual lunch table, he sighed in annoyance as he saw the flock of girls surrounding Yamada, complimenting his fair skin and cooing over his adorable, heart warming smile. Even Yuto was joining in on the session, laughing as he curled a lock of Yamada’s hair around his finger.
“Yama-chan is so cute, isn’t he?” Yuto asked the girls, who nodded vigorously, their high pitched squeals making Chinen’s head hurt. He hated days like these, when Yamada got cuddled, pinched and adored, because it made him sad and a little bit lonely.
Pouting, he shoved past some of the girls, ignoring their indignant cries and sat next to Yuto, laying his head on the taller boy’s shoulder.
Chinen stepped over Yugo’s sleeping body and rolled his eyes, plopping down on the small couch in Yuma’s room. Somebody, Kento probably, thought it would be a good idea to get everyone together for some member-ai. Normally, Chinen would be all for the group love, but the evening wasn’t exactly turning out that well.
Yugo was passed out on the floor, and it looked like Fuma was about to follow his lead any second. Kento was busily trying to keep him awake with candy and soda, but the sugary after effects, plus his original sleepiness, just made Fuma really mean and snappish. Hokuto was no where to be found and Yuma was silently doing his homework, much to Chinen’s amazement. Last, Yamada was sprawled out on Yuma’s bed and chatting with Yuto, gossiping about who knows what.
Chinen got up and quietly walked over to Yamada, who glanced over at him and held up his hand, signaling for Chinen to wait. He did, and after a few moments, Yamada handed the phone to Chinen and smirked, causing the younger to blush as he ran back to the couch.
“And then Inoo did this thing with his tongue and,” Takaki started to say, but was stopped when Inoo launched himself at the older guy, beating him ferociously with Ryutaro’s backpack.
“Stupid BEST and their stupid sex,” Chinen mumbled as he walked away from the chaotic group, Hikaru cheering on Inoo while Daiki laughed hysterically and Yabu trying, but failing horribly, to stop Inoo from giving Takaki permanent brain damage.
Sometimes, Chinen really hated being so young. It wasn’t that he didn’t know what sex was, no one could be a Johnny and not know about sex, but talking about sex, especially in such graphic detail, made him feel really uncomfortable and out of place amongst his older friends.
With a pitiful look, he walked up to Yuto and shoved the boy’s homework to the floor, before climbing on top of his lap and snuggling close to his friend.
Chinen sighed gratefully as Yabu called practice to end, limping towards his duffle bag at the far end of the wall. Having a new single and what not was great, after a year and a half of nothing, but Chinen couldn’t help but feel slightly annoyed. They knew this dance by heart, so why was Yabu insisting that they continue to practice it, especially to the point of complete and utter exhaustion?
Chinen grabbed his duffle bag and flung it over his shoulder, dreading the long, lonely walk home. Normally he’d walk with Yuto and Yamada, but the two were going over to Keito’s for a sleepover. The trio had asked him if he wanted to come along, but Chinen always felt a little out of place among the close-knit group, since Yuto was Keito’s best friend and Yamada was Keito’s girlfriend.
Adjusting the strap on his shoulder, Chinen ran to Yuto and gave him a tight hug, reveling in the comforting warmth before running off, ignoring the concerned shouts of his name.
Chinen closed his eyes as he rested his forehead against the cool table, trying to dispel the painful headache he was getting. For the first time in a long time, JUMP was altogether, outside of work and Chinen couldn’t even enjoy it. Yabu had offered him some painkillers but Chinen had already taken some earlier that day, so he had to decline.
“This sucks,” Chinen whined to himself, lifting his head a little so he could see what the other members were up to. Yabu and Takaki were throwing darts while Ryutaro watched, trying to not get distracted by Daiki, who was cuddled up against him. Inoo and Hikaru were chatting in a secluded corner, sharing an ice cream sundae while Keito shot some pool, impressing Yamada and Yuto with his skills.
“This really, really sucks,” Chinen sniffled and got up, swaying a little as his head spinned. When everything stopped, he shuffled over to the pool table and poked Yuto in the back.
Yuto turned around and smiled, “Hey Chii, you feeling any better?”
Chinen shook his head, tears gathering in the corners of his eyes, “No, my head hurts and my heart hurts because everyone is having fun without me. I’m lonely,” Chinen looked up at Yuto with the most heart breaking, and at the same time adorable, tearful pout known to man kind.
“Awe, c’mere Chii,” Yuto cooed and enveloped the small boy, rubbing his back affectionately, “Whenever you feel lonely, I’m always here for you, ‘kay?”
Chinen nodded, burying his face into Yuto’s warm chest.