Does anybody have a VIDEO of that!? and DORKIN' IT UP....

Feb 01, 2006 12:38

Well...I worked the shift with the 5 hour break in the middle so that I could come home and pack kid free. So, of course, I had to sit down and procrastinate and update LJ. :p

I worked a half day last Friday. I got home and it was around 1 o'clock and a BEAUTIFUL day. The kids wanted to play outside and I figured, "Well, it's five-o'clock somewhere..." and cracked open a beer. The sun was warm and beating down on my face. It felt so good. I sipped my beer for a long while and watched the kids play.

After about an hour, this HUGE truck pulls up with a load of new shingles for our roof. They ask the kids to get out of the way and I sent them in the backyard to play. I turned and saw the stripper across the street and I decided to walk over to ask if it was alright if her little girl could go play around the back of our house.

So, as I was walking, in front of the roofers, with a brand new beer in hand, my foot hit a hole in the grass right at the curb. You know, I'm pretty athletic, so if I, by chance, fall, I usually can catch myself... Not this time...

Have you ever been in a middle of a fall and everything goes in slow motion? I remember having a lot of time to think..."Well, I'm screwed. There is no way in hell that I am going to be able to stop this fall. Nope. I'm not even going to be able to catch myself with my hands. Man this sucks. I wonder if this is kinda like right before you die when you are supposed to have your life flash before your eyes...only I just have extra time to really see how stupid I am."

I had SO MUCH TIME TO THINK and absolutely NO TIME to react. It was like I had fallen in some space time continuum."

"Yeah, I've really messed up....Oh crap, I'm holding a full bottle of beer. Can't I stop that from hitting the ground? Nope. No way in hell...fuck."

Then : BAMB!!!!!!!

Time and space realigned themselves and I hit the ground. My beer went flying across the circle, sud-sing and spilling along the way. All three of the roofers turned, the stripper saw me, the rapist saw me. There I was sprawled out on the ground. If someone would have taken a piece of chalk and outlined me I would have looked like the outline of a dead person laying face down on the concrete.

So, before I even have a chance to get up, the stripper comes over...not to ask if I'm o.k....what did she say???.....

"Damn, you need to stop drinking!!! How much beer have you had today?!!!"

"Huh?, I think I'm alright. I'm not drunk..."

She didn't seem to care or believe me. As I stood up to brush myself off, she was already in a sales pitch about finding me a new house. (She has recently switched careers to become a realtor agent....well during the day anyway.)

It wasn't until I got her out of my hair and explained...well tried to the roofers that I was not drunk. I only had ONE beer! Then, I finally had a chance to check myself over.

My foot/ankle must have gone numb, because I didn't notice it at first. Yes, I have on hell of a swollen, twisted, black and blue, ankle, combined with a totally bruised up knee and arm. Now, 5 days later I am finally able to take the stairs with out going one at a time. It still hurts...but I can walk them somewhat normal now.

Yeah, just me dorkin' it up again. How I wish to hell I had a video of myself falling like that. That would have been HILARIOUS to watch again...even in s-l-o-w m-o-t-i-o-n
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