-the basics-
15 [almost 16!]
Sexual Preference:
I like boooys :]
Music:(***note that this means genres, not bands***)
rock and punk[punk/rock?]
Taking Back Sunday, Death Cab for Cutie, Something Corporate, Yellowcard, The Postal Service, Story of the Year..
Amelie, Gladiator, LOTR, Lost in Translation
The "His Dark Materials" trilogy
smitten, subtle, pierce, anguish, subdued, penetrate [i love the way these sound..saying them makes me tingle]
Television Shows:
I don't watch tv really..the only show I sometimes watch is Lizzie McGuire :p
The War on Terrorism:
I think we need to work more with the U.N. against it..but yeah. I don't really know what we can do to make it better.
The War in Iraq
I was totally against it and I still am. You can't just barge into a country to get rid of their leader, no matter how awful. There are TONS of countries with bad leaders *cough* and it just wasn't necessary. So many lives have been lost and even though it was 'over' a while ago, it wouldn't actually be finished for a really long time.
Abortion Rights:
I am definitely pro-choice, because that works for everyone. In some situations, you probably should get an abortion, and if you feel strongly about not having one, then don't. But people should be able to make that decision themselves.
The Death Penalty:
I'm COMPLETELY against it. You can't play god, you can't condemn someone to death. No matter how bad their crime was, you can't kill them for it. You just don't have that power and it doesn't make it better. You have to be the better person.
Gay Marriages:
Gay couples are just like any other couple and should be able to get married. You can't step in the way of love and not allow them to. It's not fair and it's stupid.
Drugs in general including Marijuana Decriminalization
I'm against drugs, so I think they shouldn't be legalized. Unless they're medical drugs..because really, doing drugs is not positive in any way.
What do you feel is the most important issue that is concerning or should concern the average American today?
The election, because I'm really against Bush and think that people should understand that he's been 'tricking' the nation about the whole Iraq war, and people have to stop being gullable.
The American Media:
I..don't really have an opinion on it. I guess it's broad, I don't know what to focus on.
-make us like you-
Your most memorable childhood memory:
I was in a playground and this group of boys started running after me playfully, but I got really scared and started yelling for my brother [who was 3 years younger than me] to save me. And he did. He ran up to them and yelled "LEAVE MY SISTER ALONE!!" and the boys were so much older but they got scared off :p I'm such a wuss haha.
A good quote:
We know what we are, but know not what we may be - William Shakespeare
ONE line from a song expressing how you feel:
'What does it take? How long must I wait?' - The Postal Service
The best show you've ever attended:
Well I went to see Rent this year on Broadway and it was absolutely fabulous.
Tell us a joke:
Ok..I got this in an email and I love it:
A mother enters her daughter's bedroom and sees a letter over the bed.
With the worst premonition, she reads it, with trembling hands:
Dear Mom,
It is with great regret & sorrow that I'm telling you that I have eloped with my new boyfriend. I found real passion & he is so nice, even with all his piercings & tattoos, and I love riding on the back of his big motorcycle. But it's not only that mom, I'm pregnant & Ahmed said that we will be very happy in his trailer in the woods.
He wants to have many more children with me & that's one of my dreams. I've learned that marijuana doesn't hurt anyone & we'll be growing it for us & his friends, who are providing us with all the cocaine & ecstasy we may want. In the meantime, we'll pray for science to find the AIDS
cure for Ahmed to get better, he deserves it.
Don't worry Mom, I'm 15 years old now & I know how to take care of myself.
Some day I'll visit so you can get to know your grandchildren.
Your daughter, Judith
PS: Mom, it's not true. I'm next door at Sandy's. I just wanted to show you that there are worse things in life than my report card
that's in my desk drawer...I love you!
If you were to label yourself, what would you would be:
Dork. Or, just myself really. I don't fit into any labels, I'm pretty average. Style-wise, I just wear whatever I like.
At least 2 pictures: