Real Life Wizards

Apr 13, 2006 10:02

I'm totally amped.....I just woke up after getting some zzzz's after hanging an art show I'm in at Nickelodeon's Animations studios in burbank. The show looks amazing and the art is really good. Imagine what an animator would do when all the professional constraints are thrown off and you have our Show REAL LIFE WIZARDS ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

dayofthelocust April 13 2006, 20:31:25 UTC
Looks rad, but I can't make it, I'll still be at work long after seven. How long does this show last? And what's your role in this wizardry?


hottdang April 14 2006, 18:33:59 UTC
Don't sweat it I understand the demands of a hectic film schedule ( ... )


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