I love the white trees! I think they're pretty and different looking. : ) Aww, look at your fireplace all decorated and homey. I like how Jake looks all excited with the ornament box. :-P I have a pic of Corey putting the angel up on our tree last year and he looked pissed rather than all happy to have to try and reach up there and get poked by the tree (real tree), lol!
That sucks about Panera. :-\ Slap that dumb bitch, lol. I hate how many rude bitches there are in the food industry. It's like get off of your high horse bitch- you serve food to people. That's just my opinion though.. lol. Anyway, I love you!!
i actually really like your tree! it doesnt look tacky, i think it brightens your room up. and i love your puppies stockings lol, they are too cute :) i hope you had fun with those army boys!
HAHA That's awesome that they think you have an accent. I remember when I want on the New York City trip for choir, there were people from like Georgia or something and they asked me and a couple other people if we were from MI. They said they could tell by our accents. It's so strange!
I love the pictures :) A white Xmas tree? That's different and very unique! I miss you and hopefully I'll see you soon! Love you and Merry Christmas :) <3 .
Comments 6
It actually looks a lot better in our house
than a green one would i think :]
That sucks about Panera. :-\ Slap that dumb bitch, lol. I hate how many rude bitches there are in the food industry. It's like get off of your high horse bitch- you serve food to people. That's just my opinion though.. lol. Anyway, I love you!!
That's awesome that they think you have an accent. I remember when I want on the New York City trip for choir, there were people from like Georgia or something and they asked me and a couple other people if we were from MI. They said they could tell by our accents. It's so strange!
I love the pictures :) A white Xmas tree? That's different and very unique!
I miss you and hopefully I'll see you soon!
Love you and Merry Christmas :)
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