So, a coworker signed up for this newfangled Clear WiMax service that I've been talking about, and loaned me his spare USB dongle so I could give it a test. Initial impression? ( images, lots of them )
Notable stuff: Network buffer measurements (?): Uplink 990 ms, Downlink 1600 ms We estimate your uplink as having 990 msec of buffering. This is quite high, and you may experience substantial disruption to your network performance when performing interactive tasks such as web-surfing while simultaneously conducting large uploads. With such a buffer, real-time applications such as games or audio chat can work quite poorly when conducting large uploads at the same time. We estimate your downlink as having 1600 msec of buffering. This is quite high, and you may experience substantial disruption to your network performance when performing interactive tasks such as web-surfing while simultaneously conducting large downloads. With such a buffer, real-time applications such as games or audio chat can work quite poorly when conducting large downloads at the same time.
1 popular name has a moderate anomaly: we are unable to find a reverse name associated with the IP address provided by your ISP's DNS server, although we expected to find
( ... )
The owner says that it works well in a slower train, and ok (but slow) in a fast moving one. Coverage is a few cities for now, see for details (Flash warning).
Comments 9
Network buffer measurements (?): Uplink 990 ms, Downlink 1600 ms
We estimate your uplink as having 990 msec of buffering. This is quite high, and you may experience substantial disruption to your network performance when performing interactive tasks such as web-surfing while simultaneously conducting large uploads. With such a buffer, real-time applications such as games or audio chat can work quite poorly when conducting large uploads at the same time.
We estimate your downlink as having 1600 msec of buffering. This is quite high, and you may experience substantial disruption to your network performance when performing interactive tasks such as web-surfing while simultaneously conducting large downloads. With such a buffer, real-time applications such as games or audio chat can work quite poorly when conducting large downloads at the same time.
1 popular name has a moderate anomaly: we are unable to find a reverse name associated with the IP address provided by your ISP's DNS server, although we expected to find ( ... )
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