Fictional People Love!

Apr 21, 2008 15:06

Snagged from: vampirenaomi

[1] - List your top 10 fictional character crushes.
[2] - Put all of them IN ORDER of your lust for them. (1-10, 1 being your favorite)
[3] - Say which scene/thing/whatever it was that hooked you.
[4] - Supply pictures for said characters.

(art by jesskat)
Name: Rincewind
From: The Discworld (book series)
Quote: "I know about people who talk about suffering for the common good. It's never bloody them! When you hear a man shouting 'Forward, brave comrades!' you'll see he's the one behind the bloody big rock and the one wearing the only really arrow-proof helmet!"

Oh, Rincewind. I fell in love with him within the first few sentences of his introduction in "The Color Of Magic". Rincewind is a failure at wizardry, a complete and utter coward, a magnet for troublesome situations (mostly due to being the favorite of The Lady, the goddess of luck and chance), and a snarky git with a biting wit. I love his position in the books. He's always being thrust into situations that he never wanted to be in the first place, and through sarcastic commentary and unintentional philosophy he usually proves to be the sanest of the participants of whatever insanity occupies the plot. He's also scruffy, a redhead, and (despite his tendency to initially opt out of saving people for self-preservation's sake) usually proves to have some virtue under those tattered robes.

Name: Valentine
From: MirrorMask (movie)
Quote: "I shall slip unnoticed through the darkness... like a dark, unnoticeable slippy thing."

Valentine was also a love-at-first-sight for me. Like many of my favorite characters Valentine is more coward than hero, and never misses an opportunity to offer up his (rather sardonic) commentary on the state of things. He's also a greedy bastard, desiring both fortune and fame in a general quest for significance. He wants to appear important to people, and puts on such an aire (often saying "I'm a very important man. I've got a tower."), refusing to notice when he's not perceived that way. What I love the most is his quirky behavior and tricky antics, though I have to say that when the audience was able to see what he looks like beneath the mask and makeup he wasn't bad to look at, either. And have you heard the man's accent? I warn you, it's heart-melting!

Name: Broots
From: The Pretender (TV series)
Quote: "I, uh, know it's none of my business, Syd, but sometimes Memory Lane can be a dead-end street."

I can't pick out any single moment where I realized I liked Broots. It was a gradual thing for me, I think. Just sort of realizing that I loved that fumbling, quietly brilliant computer tech with the horrendous taste in clothing and the goofy sense of humor. He's a natural born coward, but he's also a good man. I love the obvious adoration he has for his daughter, and how no matter how spineless he can be, if his daughter is threatened he snaps upright, ready to defend her.

Name: Timon
From: The Lion King (movie)
Quote: "Let me get this straight. You know her. She knows you. But she wants to eat him. And everybody's okay with this? ....Did I miss something?!"

I saw this movie when it came out in theatres as a kid, and after we left I knew I was hooked. I can't tell you how many adventures me and my little plastic Timon toy had. He's a snarky little coward of an opportunist with red hair and what more could I ask for? XD Well. Besides him not being a meerkat, but I can look beyond the fur.

Name: Spike
From: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV series)
Quote: "If every vampire who said he was at the crucifixion was actually there, it would have been like Woodstock. I was actually at Woodstock. That was a weird gig. I fed off a flower person, and I spent the next six hours watching my hand move."


...Okay, so there's more to it than that, but seriously, the guy? Sexy. Sexy. I loved Spike since he first uttered the quote above. He's a cocky British vampire with a dry sarcastic humor who doesn't give a damn about convention. I love how ADHD he can be-- for example accidentally ruining a carefully laid-out plan because he "got bored" waiting to spring it. He's a sucker for love (describing himself as love's bitch), and that's another foible I like about him. He's a badass demon who kills and fights because he enjoys it, but he's got human qualities that like to crop up every now and then, including a like for Wheatabix, Manchester United, and the soap opera "Passions".

Name: Adrien Monk
From: Monk (TV series)
Quote: "I couldn't change the world, I knew that. But I could fix little pieces of it."

He's so flawed but so intelligent. Like Broots, he was another character it took me a while to realize I loved. He's sort of like a puppy dog. All the phobias, the concerns, the oppressive compulsions that he has to deal with to get through life, and yet he's still out solving crimes and standing up to the bad guys when he has to. He's also got those bouts of selfishness, and it's the flaws as much the virtues that got me hooked.

Name: Roy Batty
From: Bladerunner (movie)
Quote: "Not very sporting to fire on an unarmed opponent. I thought you were supposed to be good. Aren't you the 'good' man?"

I was attracted to the character way back when I first saw parts of the movie on TV with father. I finally watched it again in its entirety when it was released on DVD, and fell for him again. Beyond being just generally attractive there's something about this android's manner of speech and intelligence that I find alluring. When he was good, he was very good. And when he was bad, well, you know how the rhyme goes. Even beyond that, I don't see him as a villain. He was only fighting to survive and live free. That's a cause I can sympathize with.

Name: Arnold J. Rimmer
From: Red Dwarf (TV series)
Quote: “Look, Lister, no point feeling sorry about Holly. It's a kindness. Like a blind old incontinent sheepdog, he's had his day. Take him out to the barn with a double-barreled shotgun and blow the mother away. And I'm only saying that because I'm so fond of him.”

I actually fell for this character through quotes. XD I had downloaded a quotes database someone had put online, and kept finding these really hilarious ones for a show called Red Dwarf-- most of them featuring what seemed to be some sarcastic bastard named Rimmer. So I put it on Netflix and started devouring the DVD's like friggen pizza. The guy's an utter failure: he's more or less the reason why his ship and crew blew up and he had to come back as a hologram. But he's still so very proud, strict to code, and generally considers himself to be top notch officer material. All the posturing hides some neuroticisms, though, and what can I say, I'm a sucker for a guy with glitches. And wit. Oh the delicious British wit. ♥

Name: Miguel & Tulio
From: The Road to El Dorado (movie)
"Look! El Dorado! The city of gold! This could be our destiny! Our fate!"
"Miguel, if I believed in fate, I wouldn't be playing with loaded dice."

These two have to come as a pair for me-- I don't think I could pick one over the other. I love these little con artists. They've got so many little tweaks and rely on cunning in the face of adversity... and usually end up only getting in more trouble, but they're good at weaseling their way back out again. Plus I love their friendship. The character design for these two was top notch.

Name: Dr. Cox
From: Scrubs (TV Series)
Quote: "As Residency Director, it is my pleasure to have both surgical and medical personnel here with us today. In fact, in this room, we have enough brainpower to light up a city! Not a real city, mind you, but definitely a tiny ant city whose government has recently passed a series of stringent energy conservation laws."

He's a hilarious character from a hilarious show. It only took me a few episodes to realize that I very nearly wanted to put a picture of this man up on my wall. I think I have a real fetish for sarcastic humor from an intelligent man. He's got this biting wit that he usually uses to cut people off at the knees and an ENORMOUS ego-- and somehow I find that endearing. He's a great damn doctor, with insight, and intelligence, and a caseload of insecurities that he masks with a generally jackass personality... and I want to see him and House together. Just for an episode. Would make my YEAR.


I would have included Venture Bros. characters, but dammit, there's too many of them I love and they would have taken over. The same for villains. I have way too many villain loves. ...Maybe I'll just do this for my favorite villains at another point when I'm really bored. Oh, and I just added the quotes part to the meme 'cause I have an unhealthy desire to quote things. So you don't have to do 'em if you do the meme.


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