A good hike is definitely the way to start a day off right. I went with the one meetup group I'd gone with 2 times before and I'm really glad I did. Can't say I made friends exactly but I did get to talking to a few of the other hikers who were going at more or less my pace
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Just got back from Arizona and California yesterday. Just lovely coming back from nice 70 degree temperatures and sunny days to... this. I've been out tackling the shoveling of the driveway (thankfully work is closed today yay!) and just came in to warm up with some tea.... mmm tea. I don't know exactly how much snow we have but it's over my
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Any one know of a well-done documentary-type film about cosplay? (Once again trying to entertain that cosplay meetup group that isn't doing so well.) Looking for something that new cosplayers might be interested in seeing. Preferably with good sound, somewhat entertaining, and some good info. Anyone happen to run across one?
my very very few pictures from New York Comic Con today. I just wore Mylene again personally (no pics) and hung out with Reeves and his friends (meetup thing didn't work again, possibly due to my poor location picking). ( pics )
Everyone has a character they feel connected to, whether it be in a book, movie, show or video game. But how do others perceive you? Have your f-list tell you a character they see you as, and maybe even explain why.
wow looks like maybe, for the first time I might have a meetup (as in the meetup.com cosplay group i started) that people besides myself (and reeves twice) come to! well.... we'll see
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yay i just finished making a hat! that i'm supposed to wear tomorrow... at work at 7 am.... gooooo me and procrastination. is it bad or good that i don't feel tired at all? either way i'm going to pay for this tomorrow....
a few pics from my vacation. Had a very good time hiking and doing a bit of bike riding with my dad. Don't want to go back to work, which I have to do in oh, a half hour or so. The Nissan dealership did fix my car, and I just picked it up earlier today.