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Jul 28, 2020 00:00

User Name/Nick: Chatsy/Robin
User LJ: Masquedesreves
AIM/IM: Froggieavenger
E-mail: quimange@gmail.com
Other Characters: Tony Foster and Drake Stone

Character Name: Raistlin Majere
Series: Dragonlance
Age: 28
From When?: After Test of Twins, when Raistlin dies fighting Takhisis

Inmate/Warden: Inmate - His ambition leads him to betray those he cares about. While he may have saved his brother and Crysania at the end, sacrificing his own life, this was only after he saw that his current path would lead him to an existence that he didn’t want to live in. If another opportunity arose that would lead him to get what he wanted at the expense of those who cared about him, he’d likely take it and ignore the suffering they went through.
Item: N/A

Abilities/Powers: Raistlin is a powerful mage. In his own world, he’s capable of a wide array of spells, from putting people to sleep to incinerating entire villages when at his most powerful, and he’s very quick at picking up new spells and understanding the workings of magical objects. He is even capable of using a dragon orb to teleport and control dragons, and has even bent time to his will. He can read and speak the language of magic and is skilled at mixing potions, particularly the one that helps him deal with his persistent cough. However, in order to cast a spell, supplies are needed. These are usually mundane materials that can be found with a bit of looking, such as rose petals and cobwebs, but without them his spells are useless. Furthermore, he must study his spells every day, because casting a spell results in the caster immediately forgetting it, a precaution set by the gods of his world to prevent any mage from ever becoming too powerful.

On the barge, his powers will be greatly reduced. He will still be able to mix potions the same as he always could, but any spells he tries to cast will be an extremely weak version of the spell. A sleep spell will only give the one it’s cast on a little bit of a weary feeling, and a fireball spell will only create a marble sized ball of flame that will quickly fizzle out, not good for doing more than lighting a candle.

One ability that will remain completely unchanged will be a curse he has, that makes him see others as aging rapidly, then withering and dying. The reason I’m mentioning this in abilities though it is, in fact, a curse, is because it will allow him to be aware of certain things. Races that age slower than humans will appear to age slower to him, and in some cases he will see others as they truly are if they are disguised as a different species than they are in actuality. Other races with unusual aging tendencies may look different to him than normal depending on the exact nature of these aging tendencies.

Personality: Raistlin is, above all else, ambitious. This is his primary motivating factor, as his ambition was so strong that he actually sought to become a god, and pursued this goal with such single minded determination that he was willing to sacrifice his brother, as well as a woman he was falling in love with in his quest for power. He didn’t just allow them to be placed in danger either, but rather planned for them to die. When he is on the road to power that he loses sight of things and people he cares about. He will feel regret for it after, but only when it's too late, and then he will deal with that regret by trampling it down and burying it so that it does not hold him back when he moves forward with his ambitions.

This ambition arose from a desire to feel powerful. All his life he’d always been frail and sickly, and growing up he always had to deal with a mix of the taunts of other children and the protectiveness of his brother. While he may have liked the fact that his brother cared about him, he hated the patronizing nature of it, the idea that he couldn’t take care of himself, and as such he strove to prove to everyone that he wasn’t frail or helpless, and the best way to do that, he thought, was to become more powerful than anyone else.

Due to this, magic is his life. It’s the one way he can be truly powerful and force others to reckon with the fact that he doesn’t need to be taken care of, nor can they get away with taunting him. Without magic he feels like he’s nothing more than a powerful mind with no body, a weak and helpless form with no means to enact the will of his mind. With his magic, he feels infinitely powerful and, perhaps, a little too cocky. In tests of magical skill, he no longer questions if he's powerful enough, he simply assumes he is. On the Barge, however, some wariness in this area will return, since he will instantly sense that he is not at full power and he will strive to regain what he lost. Preferably without bending down to the will of a warden.

However, there was also something else that grew from the taunts of other children, an aspect a warden may be able to nurture which had created a dual nature to Raistlin’s personality. While to most he gives a general attitude of scorn and derision, when it comes to the weak and helpless, those who others tend to look down on, such as gully dwarves, he feels a strange protectiveness. He showed this for Bupu, the gully dwarf, though he hid these feelings from his companions, and he showed it again when he felt angry that history didn’t even bother to record the deaths of the gully dwarves in a battle between hill dwarves and mountain dwarves.

With most, those who fit into society, he generally sees them as pawns. Beneath him. He often behaves in a smug manner, and will at times intentionally unnerve others, enjoying watching them squirm. Often times he does this with a subtle choice of words. Instead of saying he's good at herbs, when someone mentions they need poison, he merely says he knows much on that subject. Other times he may use his black robes and unusual appearance. When others fear him, he figures, that means he has power over them. That is why he does nothing to quell suspicions that often arise around his activities. He is caustic and sarcastic, quick to insult others and apathetic to their pain. He enjoys getting a rise out of others, and feels that the ease with which he can get people to show him their fear and anger is a sign of their weakness and his power over them.

Intelligent and cunning, Raistlin is always closely watching the world around him, devising ways to get the upper hand, to get what he wants out of others. While normally he behaves in a way that doesn’t win him many friends, he has learned how to say the right things to make others behave the way he wants, to draw them closer or push them away, to try and move them around like pawns. He tries to maintain control of his emotions, to keep a hold on his composure even when terrified, to tamp down his lusts and desires so that he can pour all his energy into gaining more power without any diversions. Though part of him feels guilt when he steps on others to rise to power, he sees it as a weakness to overcome and thus generally ignores it.

Growing up, Raistlin had always had the nickname of 'sly one' due to his quick wit, his tendency to listen in on conversations, and generally gather all the information on those around him that he can. These tendencies are mostly due to his inability to trust anyone. Even those he regards as friends, he will constantly be questioning their loyalty in his mind, no more likely to doubt evidence that they intend to betray him than he'd doubt evidence that a stranger wished him harm. This is most likely because he knows that he himself can't be trusted, even by those who regard him as a friend. Even by his own brother. He knows that his ambition and lust for power will come between him and any friendship should there be a conflict of interest, so he assumes that this is likely the case with others.

Most complicated of all are his emotions regarding his twin brother. Their relationship has likely never been normal. Since they were children, Caramon has always been protective over his twin which was reasonable enough due to his frail health. However, his protectiveness is codependence, and something he does because it makes him feel good, something Raistlin realized long ago, which is a large part of why he constantly pushes Caramon away when Caramon tries helping him. Another reason is because Caramon insists on helping Raistlin regardless of whether he even needs to be taken care of, which was likely what made Raistlin uncomfortable with the arrangement in the first place, even to the point of panicking if Raistlin steps into the woods for a few minutes and asking him if he needs someone to keep watch while he pees. Later on when Raistlin had turned fully evil and was living in the Tower of High Sorcery at Palanthas, Caramon even built a room for Raistlin and sent Raistlin a letter asking him to come live with him and Tika so that they could take care of him, quite oblivious to the fact that at that time, Raistlin clearly could and was taking care of himself just fine.

To make matters worse, Raistlin's personality is fiercely independent. He does not like needing to rely on others, though his physical ailments have at times forced him to. While he dislikes it when others are cruel to him, he finds pity to be far worse, and by making Raistlin both feel helpless and others see him as helpless by helping him more than he needs, Caramon was tormenting his twin unknowingly. All the while, Raistlin still feels a bond with his twin, and does, in his own way, love him and want to be close to him. It's a duel feeling of both love and hate which allows him to be unspeakably cruel, then show mercy a short while later. He has moments of closeness with his twin, which are genuine, but so are his moments of cruelty.

Furthermore, Raistlin is jealous and spiteful. He is jealous of his brother's physical strength and his ability to get others to like him, and this jealousy overcomes him at times, only kept in check by the fact that he knows he has one thing his brother does not. Magic. If his brother gained that, he would kill him. He'd likely regret it after, and long for the closeness they'd shared at one point, but he would neither admit it nor let it hold him back.

The Barge will disorient him. Firstly, he’ll be instantly aware and disturbed by the fact that his magic has been greatly reduced, a fact that will make him feel crippled and vulnerable. Furthermore, the fact that most on the Barge have technology far beyond his time will also make him wary. He won’t understand it, and that lack of understanding will frustrate him, though he will attempt to move past this. However, no matter what anyone says, he will refused to see a doctor about his racking cough, something he accepted long ago had no cure.

While he may be disoriented by being on the Barge, he will refuse to admit this and do whatever he can to hide this, gathering every morsel of information he can find to try and get the upper hand over others.

Path to Redemption: One thing that helps is showing Raistlin the amount of destruction he’s causing, and forcing him to be directly aware of it. While that won’t necessarily stop him, it sometimes will, and will definitely bring him doubts. Bupu the gully dwarf seems to be a powerful trigger to compassion for him. This is likely in part because he strongly despises bullies, and Bupu was small, weak, and never taken seriously by the others who travelled with him. Seeing his actions as bullying or hurting those weaker than him will have a far stronger effect than seeing what damage his actions do to those he sees as strong and capable.

History: When the twins, Raistlin and Caramon, were born, Caramon was a strong, robust baby and Raistlin was so frail and sickly that the midwife suggested they just let him die. His mother had even agreed, and if it wasn’t for his older half-sister, Kitiara, he would have. However, she refused to let him die, so nursed him back to health, and kept him alive until he grew to be a boy. While he always remained sickly, he at least no longer was on the edge of death, though he frequently had fevers and bursts of illness and his body temperature always ran high.

Caramon grew to be fiercely protective of Raistlin. While Raistlin was always weak and feeble, Caramon was strong, much stronger than most boys his age, but as feeble as Raistlin was in his body, Caramon was in his mind. When Raistlin was picked on by other boys Caramon would grow furious and be quick to beat them up unless Raistlin told him not to, but after the fury died he’d decide that they must not have really meant it and soon after would return to being friendly and jovial with them. He seemed convinced that once other boys got to know Raistlin they’d like him. Raistlin knew better.

For this reason, when he was scouted by Antimodes who paid for his education to study in a school for magic, he became determined to find his own means of revenge, means that may not be as immediate, but would be far more lasting. The first time he attempted this, he did so by putting stinging nettle leaves in the pouch of a bully who had picked on him, and from his expression, all the other children were quite aware of who did it. Also when he went to school, his half-sister left home to go find out what had happened to her father. However, Raistlin understood from early on why she’d want to be free of the life they’d lived.

When he was thirteen, Raistlin took his first true magic test, one to test if students even had the gift of magic. Up until that point, the students had been learning the theory of magic, how to cast spells, but they weren’t ready yet to actually cast them, and not every student would be actually capable of doing magic. The test was simple, to write ‘I Magus’ on a piece of lambskin. If something happened, they had the gift, if nothing did, they did not. Of course, in order to do this at all the students had had to learn how to properly form letters in a way that would bring out the magic in them and other such things, which was the reasons students didn’t take the test for so long. When Raistlin took his test, after having devoted all of his hopes and dreams to becoming a mage, he prayed to the gods of magic with all his soul, and they answered, letting him know that they would be holding him to a promise he made in his prayer to always serve them and believe in them. When he took the test, the magic in the words he wrote incinerated the lambskin.

Three years later, his father died in an accident, and his mother, already half mad from her visions, descended deeper into insanity. Raistlin, who saw his mother as what he could have been destined to turn into had he not learned magic and lacked the willpower to keep his wits, remained close to her through this, and was devastated when she eventually died from going into a trance like state and not returning until the lack of food and water killed her.

When he was twenty one, Raistlin took a second test, one to become a full wizard. Unlike the first, which posed no real threat to the one taking it, there were only two possible results to this test. One was to pass it, the other was to die. Raistlin would be the youngest to take the test, most wizards waiting until they were much older. There was another factor involved with this test as well, and that was Fistandtilus.

Fistandtilus was a powerful black mage who had, in his life, taken apprentices and drained them of their energy in order to extend his own life. He’d died, and now his spirit haunted the test, looking for new potential apprentices to drain of their lives and, perhaps, one day give him form again. He was attracted to those with ambition, and there was nothing Raistlin had more of than ambition.

The test was strenuous for Raistlin, consisting of many tests that taxed his physical health as much as they did his magic, and he feared failure. It wasn’t even the death he disliked, but the failure to live up to his ambitions. Then Fistandtilus appeared to him, and tried, at first, to suck out his life force right then, but Raistlin fought back, grabbing the hand that had reached for his heart and, having gotten the upper hand and impressed Fistandtilus, the dead mage offered him a deal. He’d help Raistlin pass the test, give him more power, and in return he would live inside Raistlin, feeding on his life force. Raistlin agreed, a deal which would shatter his health even further than it already was for a lifetime. The spell Fistandtilus cast that gave Raistlin the strength to go on also tinted his skin the color of gold, giving him a metallic appearance that would also last the rest of his life. After the deal, Fistandtilus promptly erased Raistlin’s memory of the whole incident so that he’d be certain that the young mage couldn’t do anything to try and remove him once he’d fulfilled his part of the bargain.

That was not the only part of the test that effected his entire life, however. After the normal part of the test was done, Par-Salian added one more part, one to test his suspicions as to Raistlin’s darker nature. This part and only this part would Caramon be able to watch. In it, Raistlin’s life was placed in danger in a battle against a dark elf, and an illusion of Caramon appeared, casting a lightening spell on the dark elf, saving Raistlin. Raistlin asked the illusion how he’d cast the spell, and the false Caramon said that he could always do magic, he’d just never had the need to until that point because he was so strong. Raistlin was consumed with jealousy. Caramon had always had everything he’d wanted, after all. Health, strength, friends, and magic was the one thing Raistlin had always wanted, always been skilled at, that Caramon couldn’t do. Casting a spell, Raistlin incinerated the illusion of Caramon, truly believing he’d killed his brother until the real Caramon was revealed to him after the test. Memories of doing this haunted Raistlin, however, because until this point he’d never fathomed that he’d be capable of doing something like that.

One might have expected this to place a rift between the brothers, but instead Caramon chose to ignore it, pretending it didn’t happen or explaining to himself that Raistlin was hurt and confused and didn’t know what he was doing. On some level he likely was aware of the truth, but Caramon was extremely codependent and needed to take care of Raistlin in order to feel like he has a purpose, so refused to acknowledge it. Par-Salian was not so willing to let this be brushed over, however, and after the test had cursed Raistlin with his hourglass eyes, which made him see how time effected all things, to see everything around him age and change at an accelerated rate, in hopes that Raistlin would learn compassion from this. However, all it seemed he learned was how to harden his heart against the grotesque and nightmarish images he’d see for the rest of his life, as well as allowing him to further separate himself mentally from those around him.

After the test, having lost the memory of the reason for his illness, he sought a true cleric of the gods to heal him. During this time, he hand his brother worked as mercenaries, though it was Raistlin who would put stipulations on who they’d work for. Having had bad experiences with bullies, if he felt that they were working for such a person he’d refuse. During this time they’d often come across charlatans and clerics that preached false gods. Raistlin would try to expose these people, and one time was nearly burnt at the stake for doing so, as well as for being a witch. He’d have died then if it wasn’t for his brother coming to his rescue.

Eventually, Raistlin came to the conclusion that his disease was the price for his magic, one that, as the gods must expect him to pay it, they would not cure even if he should find a true cleric. He and his brother then returned to Solace. Eventually they joined a group of adventurers who called themselves the Heroes of the Lance.

While with them, they encountered Goldmoon and Riverwind, who had a blue crystal staff which had healing powers that were proof of the existence of the true gods, part of the same pantheon as those who had spoken to Raistlin at his first magic test. They travelled with them and Raistlin helped them retrieve sacred disks from a dragon in a mission they were sent on by the goddess of healing. It was through these disks that Goldmoon was able to bring widespread belief and acceptance of these gods back to Krynn. However, the goddess of evil also brought a greater threat to the heroes, and they worked together to try and thwart her attempts to return to Krynn in physical form and wreak destruction.

It was through these trials that Caramon was again forced to face his brother’s darker nature. At one point, they ended up forced to flee a city in a storm. In their travels, they had obtained a magical item called a dragon orb, which they were planning to travel to learn how Raistlin may be able to use it, as it was said to be able to control dragons which Takhisis was using to enforce her will on Krynn. Draconians, which were made by corrupting the eggs of the good dragons with spells, had figured out where the heroes were. While on the stormy seas, being chased by dragons, the heroes found themselves being sucked into a whirlpool. Raistlin then revealed that he already knew how to use the dragon orb to a certain extent, knowledge that he’d unknowingly gained from Fistandtilus who was continuing to keep his end of the bargain, and knew how it could be used to transport a person or, possibly, people. When Caramon pleaded with Raistlin to take them with him, or at the very least take his own brother, Raistlin refused, threatening the others with a knife if they should try to come too close while he was casting the spell. He did this with reason, of course. Raistlin wasn’t sure how well he could cast the spell, how much strength he had, or if he’d ruin the spell or destroy himself trying to carry too much on his first attempt. When Tanis, another of the heroes, asked Caramon why he didn’t just disarm Raistlin, stating that surely Raistlin wouldn’t actually harm his own brother, Raistlin told him what had happened in the Tower of High Sorcery while he took his test, saying that Caramon had good reason to fear him. With that, he cast the spell, and appeared on the steps of the Library of Palanthas.

He was barely alive, but there he was able to find the information that allowed him to live and recover his strength. He then decided, with no brother or allies to distract him, that he’d do whatever it took to gain more power. At first he thought to become an ally of Takhisis, to serve her in exchange for this power, but as he thought about it he realized that doing so would only leave him in servitude. He wanted to rule and, he decided, he wanted to destroy Takhesis and take her place as a God of Evil.

Raistlin up until this point had worn the red robes of neutrality, but then dyed his robes black to mark that he was now a wizard of evil. While it was allowed for a wizard of the conclave to change their alliance, what wasn’t allowed was such a change to happen without permission from the Conclave, which was concerned with maintaining a balance between good, neutrality and evil. When word of his actions came back to the Conclave, he was declared an outcast, to be hunted by the black robes in the Conclave or for the white robes to try and bring back into their fold.

Using the dragon orb, Raistlin teleported into a city devoted to Takhisis that was preparing to help bring her back into the world. Here he again encountered his brother and former allies, and here he helped them thwart her, but not without making it clear that he was no longer one of them. He saved each of them who he felt he owed his life to at some point, before mounting a green dragon he used the orb to take control of. His brother, Caramon, still loyal to Raistlin asked to come with his brother, but Raistlin, after asking Caramon if he’d follow him into darkness concluded that no, he should not, as doing so would surely end in Caramon’s death.

He then left, intending to sever all ties with his brother, going to the Tower of High Sorcery at Palanthas, a tower of high sorcery that had been long since been abandoned due to a curse that left it haunted and all who went near it would be filled with an unshakable fear. He was able to claim control of the tower, being the one person who would not be stopped by wraiths when he tried to enter and would not feel the fear others felt when he drew near. He also would be able to grant others entry.

Caramon, during this time, had not taken their separation as well. While many had always assumed that it was the frail Raistlin who needed his brother, it soon became clear that it was the other way around. Caramon first tried to build a house which he never finished except for one room, which he’d created with great, loving care, that was clearly marked as a mage’s room. He’d sent a letter to Raistlin that begged him to come back, saying that he loved and accepted him even if he was a black robed wizard now, saying that he just wanted him to come home so that Tika and he could take care of him.

Around this time, the Conclave was fearing that Raistlin may try to take over the world, something he fully believed he could do if the inclination should strike him, but something he’d decided against doing feeling like he’d have to deal with people even more if he should do so. He was at the peak of his power, so when Caramon’s letter arrived talking about taking care of him, he was infuriated that his brother was so completely blind to all the power and self reliance he’d gained. He sent a letter back telling Caramon that he had no brother, a simple statement that sent Caramon into alcoholism, feeling that he’d lost all purpose in his life. He gained weight, didn’t finish the house he’d been working on, and roamed the taverns at night.

Meanwhile, due to the Conclave’s aforementioned fear of Raistlin’s growing power, they planted a spy on him in the form of Dalamar, an apprentice he took on. It was through him that the Conclave learned that Raistlin planned not to rule the world, but rather, to become a god.

To do this, he travelled back in time, first wanting to rid himself of Fistandtilus. He’d also planned things so that he’d have the aid of those he’d need, including Crysania, a true cleric who had grown infatuated with Raistlin after meeting him, Caramon, and Tasslehoff the kender, albeit the last one was accidental, it proved invaluable as he found that while humans are apparently incapable of changing the time stream any more than a pebble being tossed into a river could, kenders being sent to another time have the natural capability to completely divert it.

It was in this time that Raistlin killed Fistandtilus, but it was there, also, that he made a fatal mistake. Driven by his ambition, Raistlin refused to lose the knowledge he’d gained from Fistandtilus and used the spell that Fistandilous was going to use on him to steal his youth to steal Fistandtilus’s knowledge instead. This had the unfortunate effect of, while killing Fistandtilus altered time very slightly by making it so he’d never be possessed by him, essentially ‘correct’ time by giving Fistandtilus a foothold in his body, allowing him to take Fistandtilus’s place in the progression of time so that it, in essence, would remain unchanged. Had time remained on this course, however, Tasslehoff’s presence would have allowed Raistlin to do far more damage than even he intended, which would have resulted in the destruction of the world. However, Tasslehoff and Caramon used a magical device that had been given to them by Par-Salian to travel through time and correct this mistake, first to the future where they saw the destruction Raistlin would unintentionally bring, realize the lonely existence he’d be doomed to, and, most importantly, saw Bupu. Bupu had been a gully dwarf that none of the Heroes of the Lance had taken seriously when she tried to help them. None, that was, except for Raistlin, who had initially cast a friendship spell on her, but the spell ended up dissolving into true friendship when he saw how others looked down on her, and how she was so determined to help him. When he had realized how hurt she’d be travelling away from her kin, however, he’d sent her back, but not until after he’d placed a powerful protection spell on her.

The spell had still clung. Her body was unharmed, and she was among the last to die in the tainted world, because no protection spell can keep one from dying when there is a lack of food and water.

It was when Caramon went to face Raistlin in the abyss, now intending to kill him now that he knew of the evil he’d bring, that he told Raistlin of the suffering he’d bring to himself. Raistlin initially doubted this, but looked into Caramon’s mind. He was, and still is, willing to sacrifice Caramon, Crysania, and many others who care about him for his own ambitions, and that is why he’s an inmate. However, when he saw the fate of Bupu and realized that for all his power he’d gained in that timeline, he was powerless to help her and powerless to create life anew, he realized that the hell he’d face trying to complete this goal was worse than the fate he’d encounter if he succeeded. Instead of facing Takhisis, he used the last of his power to save Caramon and Crysania and seal the portal behind them so that Takhisis couldn’t escape. This also sealed him in with Takhesis, who destroyed him.

Sample Journal Entry: [Video]

[Having studied the strange device for some time, watched other entries, and gained a general idea of what it did, Raistlin now stared into it, his black, velvet hood pulled over his face, and hourglass eyes glistening from within, the light of the screen giving some hint to the features of the strange golden face within. In truth, he wasn’t even sure it was on, but he assumed that when he pressed the buttons and a little red light lit up he must have activated something, so he began to speak in a whispering, rasping tone.]

I won’t waste your time asking the same questions everyone else has. I know this place is called the Barge, I know I am dead. I’m rather surprised I’m not in the Abyss, but I doubt you can answer why not any better than I can, and honestly that’s neither here nor there. I’m glad I’m not suffering in eternal torment, and feel satisfied leaving it at that.

What I do want is more information about this Admiral I see everyone referring to. He is the one in charge, is he not? At the very least, judging by the way you all talk about him, he’s someone very important. Any information you have about him would be very much--[Raistlin then interrupted his speech with a small coughing fit. Specks of something dark, like blood, came out of his mouth, but he appeared not to notice, instead choosing to finish his sentence.]--appreciated.

Sample RP: He’d woken up in a dark room, and his first thought was that he lay in the Abyss, awaiting his next torment at Takhisis’s hands, as she’d promised would happen. His body was restored, but that was only natural, he thought, after she’d torn and ravaged it beyond repair to reset it so she could tear it apart all over again. It was then, he noted, that he was in a bed. He was in a comfortable bed. He couldn’t imagine that Takhisis would have bothered to make him comfortable. He felt for his staff, but it wasn’t there.

Standing, he felt his way around the room, and, eventually his hands found a small crystal ball on a pedestal. It felt quite similar to one of the many crystals he’d put throughout the Tower of Palanthas so that he and Dalamar wouldn’t have to rely on the sun and his staff for the only light. Testing, he used a quick spell to activate it. Mercifully, it lit up the room. Mercifully, he noted, primarily because he could feel his magic, but it only hummed faintly in his veins, rather than burning through them with a powerful intensity. He knew that wherever he was, most of his magic had been taken away from him. Looking around, he realized he was in his room at the Tower at Palanthas. However, his staff was missing and, he noted, so was the knife he always carried with him.

Deciding to investigate further, Raistlin left his room and instantly confirmed that the familiarity was just an illusion. The hallway was part of some other place entirely, and was surprisingly bright. Squinting against the light for a few moments while his hourglass pupils narrowed, he noted that the hallway was lit not by candles but by what was, as far as he could tell, rows and rows of light spells. Shutting the door behind him, he walked down the hall, investigating.

“Where in the Abyss am I?”

While that was usually said as a figure of speech, now Raistlin meant it entirely literally. However, something was off. It didn’t feel like the Abyss. It felt more...solid, and no torments had come to him. For now, however, he’d take careful note of every door he passed, every step he took, to note if anything had changed. And, he thought, to make sure he could find his way back.

Special Notes: Raistlin has gold skin and eyes, as well as pupils shaped like hourglasses.
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