Dec 21, 2008 03:21
☆ Threadhopping with this character - yes/no/maybe so?:
Well, you can, but House would be grumpy at you no matter the circumstances. He considers it to be none of your business. :D
☆ Backtagging with this character - yes/no/maybe so?:
God, please do. D:
☆ Hugging this character?:
:| wtf are you doing get off
☆ Giving this character a kiss?:
You might get some physical abuse at this point
☆ Punching this character:
THIS HAPPENS OFTEN ENOUGH. He will take the punch most likely, but you might get a cane in your gut.
☆ Is there anything ought not be mentioned near this character?:
Well, feel free to mention anything, but if it's a touchy subject, you'll get even more snark than usual. The only thing I caution is breaking the 4th wall. Contact me if you want to, k?
☆ Is there anything you need us to know about interacting with this character? Special physical features, fighting abilities, STUFF:
House has a bum leg and a cane. He also is addicted to Vicodin, and if he pops pills while talking to you, it means you're particularly annoying. ♥
☆ Anything else, please mention here: