Mar 05, 2009 02:04
strikethrough means I'm not interested in them at all, but bold means I'll probably look into it.
# When exactly does House take a Vicodin pill?
# What lies or possible lies has House told - to whom, about what and for what purpose?
# How often has Chase agreed with House and how does House or others react to these supporting comments from Chase? When was the first time we saw indications of this behavior from him? And how does this behavior relate to Chase's need to please House with answers, etc.?
# In what ways is Foreman like House?
# How does Cameron cope with death in various episodes? Is she learning to deal with it better or is she still helpless in dealing with the subject? How often does she bring up the subject even when she isn't dealing with dying patients?
# What does the music on the show tell us in each episode or overall?
# What do we know about the nursing staff that House comes in contact with? Do we have any names? Personality traits?
# What do we know about Wilson's relationships with women? What does he say about "panty peelers"? What does all this say about him?
# What repeat diagnoses have the team made in multiple episodes?
# What has House specifically said about other doctors? What names have come up?
# What word games do Wilson and House play? What do they believe are the circles of Hell?
# What sexual references are there in the various episodes? What warnings are given to each episode? Are they different? Do some episodes get a stronger warning than others? Why?
# Are there indications that House smokes? (yes)
# What do the titles of each episode refer to? Indications are that each title has more than one reference to the episode. Can someone out there come up with starting points and allow for input from others.
# What do the stories say about their writers? What themes do each of the writers like to put into the episodes they write? Do different writers emphasize different aspects of individual characters?
# Does this team of writers have particular trouble making Cameron consistent?
# What props does House use in various episodes?
# What do these characters eat and drink in the different episodes?
# What is the purpose of the clinic patients in the various episodes? In one, the clinic patient may add humor. Another patient may give an alternate or supporting approach to the main character. Often the clinic patient may provide House with a new approach to the medical dilemma he finds himself in with the main patient.
# How does House solve the cases? In what cases do the other doctors come up with solutions, information that House didn't have before that?
# What has happened to things that seem to have disappeared: the Mustang that House was given? Props on his desk that are there sometimes and not others?
# What is House's home like? Do our various views of it seem to suggest he moves a lot? Does he seem to have a first floor apartment or one where he might sometimes have to use the stairs or a row house (like we saw in "Hunting".
# How broad is House's knowledge of the world. What non-medical facts, theories, ideas, thinkers does he mention? How about the other characters?
# How does "House" relate to other medical or detective shows, novels, etc. past and present? In what ways does it seem more like a detective show than a medical show? In what ways is it a typical medical show>
# Does House operate within consistent ethical principles? If so, what are they?
# What are the T-Shirts House wears?
# What are the names of the patients from each of the episodes?
# What can we know about a timeline?
# What do we know about the ethical breaches House is constantly engaging in?
# Collecting suggestions for the disease of the week.
# Listing what extraordinary things House has done to diagnose and save his patients.
# What doctors have been judgmental about patients. What patients and why. How would this cause misdianoses?
house m.d. guide,